February 27, 2022

Does God want me to be poor or rich?

When it comes to the issue of finance and abundance, many Christians shy away from it. They think talking about money is carnal, and they classify it as the root of all evil. The truth is that finance is an important topic for Christians. After all, if God owns everything, if He is love, if He is the God of all provision, then why do many of His precious children struggle under lack of finance or debt? In this article, you will learn if God wants believers to be financially successful.

Does God want me to be poor or rich 2

Does God Want Believers to be Poor?

God desires that His children prosper in everything on every level, including finances. Under Jesus Christ, believers have come out from under the curse and operate in God’s life-giving blessing. So, God does not want you to be poor or wretched. His desire for you is that you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers (3 John 1:2).

Why are some people rich and some are poor?

Why do some believers thrive even in the midst of crisis while others stumble and are even crushed? A good analogy is the parable of the two builders in the bible. {Matthew 7:24-27} If you build your finances on a poor foundation, you will be crushed by the storms of life. Here are some poor foundations that prevent believers from standing firm on the day of adversity.

  • Lack of knowledge of who you are in Christ: When Jesus died for you, he took away your sin and its consequences, including poverty. However, you must be aware of this fact and take hold of it in faith to enjoy this benefit. If your estranged grandma dies and leaves you a fortune, but you don’t go to the lawyers and then to the bank to claim it, you might die poor, alone, and up to your eyeballs in debt. In the same way, many believers today are allowing themselves to be cheated out of their financial birthright in Christ. They think they are poor, they see themselves as poor, act like they’re poor, and wonder why they continue to suffer despite being in Christ.
  • Poor spending habits: Even if you earn 25000$ each month, you will still be in debt if your home runs on a monthly expense of 30000$. The basic principle is simple – spend less than you earn. This requires self-discipline and careful budgeting.
  • Failure to save: Savings serve as a buffer from unexpected financial storms. When you don’t save, you will easily be swept away by financial difficulty {Proverbs 21:20}
  • Failure to budget/plan your spending: It is easy to get carried away at the mall – you go in to get a single item, and you come back home with a trunk full of shopping bags! When your income increases, so do your wants, needs, and responsibilities.{Ecclesiastes 5:11} When you dive into your funds without a well-prepared plan or budget, you are laying a weak financial foundation.
  • Trying to impress others: Nothing wastes your time and money like trying to do what others do, have what they have, or better, just because you don’t want them to think you’re not up to a certain standard. Soothing your vanity by impressing others is the fastest way to poverty.
  • Abuse of biblical financial principles: God created this world to work by certain laws. These include financial laws. You won’t float or fly if you jump off a tall building, but you will crash-hard. In the same way, when you break financial laws, it causes your finances to crash. Some of these laws are the law of sacrificial giving {Luke 6:38, Proverbs 28:27}, giving of tithes {Malachi 3:10}, maintenance of personal, financial, and business integrity {Proverbs 13:11, 20:10}

What does God’s word/ the bible say about money and wealth?

The Bible is God’s word given to believers. It contains rules for daily living, including information about God’s financial will for you. The bible has a lot to say about finances and emphasizes many points like;

  • God wants you to be financially successful: God loves you and desires the best for you. His plans for you are good, for success in every area of your life, especially financially {Jeremiah 29:11, 3John 1:2} When you study the bible, you find that many Bible characters that loved God and walked with him excelled in their time – Abraham, Isaac, Israel, David, Joseph, and many others. To partake of God’s blessings that He has in store for you, you have only to love Him {Romans 8:28}
  • God can provide all your needs: When Jesus walked on earth, the tax collectors once demanded that Jesus and his disciples fulfill their civic duty. Since Jesus was well ahead of his time, he was operating a cashless policy. Unfortunately, there were no modern ATMs, but no problem at all. He sent a disciple to fetch a coin from the mouth of a fish! {Matthew 17:24-27}. Even today, God is in the business of providing through miracles. Truly, God can give you everything you need. Just remain conscious that God can do all things, and that he works in mysterious ways.
  • God wants you to share his blessings with others: On Jesus’ ministry on earth, he revealed God as love. He commanded believers to love one another – and one of the proofs of love is giving. When you express the love of God by giving to those in need, the bible says that you will be rewarded several times over {Luke 6:38}.
  • God does not want you to be consumed with the desire for money: As a popular Bible verse says, the love of money is the root of all evil {1 Timothy 6:10a}. Many have misinterpreted this verse, falsely associating poverty with piety. Money itself is not a bad thing. But an excessive love or desire for it is spiritually unhealthy.
  • God wants you to focus on building His kingdom, not just on amassing wealth: The common practice of the unbeliever is to look for every nuke and cranny to make money. But for the believer, the focus is always to seek the kingdom first, and every other thing will be added (Matthew 6:33).

What to do to enjoy financial favour

  • Manage your finances with self-discipline: Indiscipline can make God’s favour have little effect on your finances. It is important to note that you are a steward of God’s resources. So, you must be prudent by spending money wisely.
  • Seek knowledge on how to improve your finances: Read books and materials from experts on financial management. Learn how to invest safely. Improve your skills or qualifications to increase your earning power. Lastly, pray to God for wisdom and favour.
  • Pursue excellence in your business endeavours: When you are diligent in your business, it leads to your elevation {Proverbs 22:29}. Whether you are an employee or a business owner, you will be singled out for promotion and financial favour when you put in your best effort and improve continually.
  • Become a cheerful giver: Express God’s love by giving to others. You can give to people in need, believers, and non-believers, to further the kingdom of God. It is important that you give cheerfully and not grudgingly {2 Corinthians 9:7}
  • Know that people are important: When you ask God for financial favour, he often sends people to help you. God can use anyone whether or not they are believers. Though heaven does not print dollar bills, God can use anybody – even people you would not expect- to meet your needs. Therefore, you should love people with the genuine love of God and treat them with respect and compassion.

In conclusion, it is not God’s plan that people suffer financially. Because his plans are plans for good and not for evil, to prosper you and give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). So, regardless of your condition financially, God is still ready to partner with you to ensure that you enjoy the victorious life here on earth.

February 27, 2022

Does God want me to be poor or rich?

When it comes to the issue of finance and abundance, many Christians shy away from it. They think talking about money is carnal, and they classify it as the root of all evil. The truth is that finance is an important topic for Christians. After all, if God owns everything, if He is love, if He is the God of all provision, then why do many of His precious children struggle under lack of finance or debt? In this article, you will learn if God wants believers to be financially successful.

Does God want me to be poor or rich 2

Does God Want Believers to be Poor?

God desires that His children prosper in everything on every level, including finances. Under Jesus Christ, believers have come out from under the curse and operate in God’s life-giving blessing. So, God does not want you to be poor or wretched. His desire for you is that you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers (3 John 1:2).

Why are some people rich and some are poor?

Why do some believers thrive even in the midst of crisis while others stumble and are even crushed? A good analogy is the parable of the two builders in the bible. {Matthew 7:24-27} If you build your finances on a poor foundation, you will be crushed by the storms of life. Here are some poor foundations that prevent believers from standing firm on the day of adversity.

  • Lack of knowledge of who you are in Christ: When Jesus died for you, he took away your sin and its consequences, including poverty. However, you must be aware of this fact and take hold of it in faith to enjoy this benefit. If your estranged grandma dies and leaves you a fortune, but you don’t go to the lawyers and then to the bank to claim it, you might die poor, alone, and up to your eyeballs in debt. In the same way, many believers today are allowing themselves to be cheated out of their financial birthright in Christ. They think they are poor, they see themselves as poor, act like they’re poor, and wonder why they continue to suffer despite being in Christ.
  • Poor spending habits: Even if you earn 25000$ each month, you will still be in debt if your home runs on a monthly expense of 30000$. The basic principle is simple – spend less than you earn. This requires self-discipline and careful budgeting.
  • Failure to save: Savings serve as a buffer from unexpected financial storms. When you don’t save, you will easily be swept away by financial difficulty {Proverbs 21:20}
  • Failure to budget/plan your spending: It is easy to get carried away at the mall – you go in to get a single item, and you come back home with a trunk full of shopping bags! When your income increases, so do your wants, needs, and responsibilities.{Ecclesiastes 5:11} When you dive into your funds without a well-prepared plan or budget, you are laying a weak financial foundation.
  • Trying to impress others: Nothing wastes your time and money like trying to do what others do, have what they have, or better, just because you don’t want them to think you’re not up to a certain standard. Soothing your vanity by impressing others is the fastest way to poverty.
  • Abuse of biblical financial principles: God created this world to work by certain laws. These include financial laws. You won’t float or fly if you jump off a tall building, but you will crash-hard. In the same way, when you break financial laws, it causes your finances to crash. Some of these laws are the law of sacrificial giving {Luke 6:38, Proverbs 28:27}, giving of tithes {Malachi 3:10}, maintenance of personal, financial, and business integrity {Proverbs 13:11, 20:10}

What does God’s word/ the bible say about money and wealth?

The Bible is God’s word given to believers. It contains rules for daily living, including information about God’s financial will for you. The bible has a lot to say about finances and emphasizes many points like;

  • God wants you to be financially successful: God loves you and desires the best for you. His plans for you are good, for success in every area of your life, especially financially {Jeremiah 29:11, 3John 1:2} When you study the bible, you find that many Bible characters that loved God and walked with him excelled in their time – Abraham, Isaac, Israel, David, Joseph, and many others. To partake of God’s blessings that He has in store for you, you have only to love Him {Romans 8:28}
  • God can provide all your needs: When Jesus walked on earth, the tax collectors once demanded that Jesus and his disciples fulfill their civic duty. Since Jesus was well ahead of his time, he was operating a cashless policy. Unfortunately, there were no modern ATMs, but no problem at all. He sent a disciple to fetch a coin from the mouth of a fish! {Matthew 17:24-27}. Even today, God is in the business of providing through miracles. Truly, God can give you everything you need. Just remain conscious that God can do all things, and that he works in mysterious ways.
  • God wants you to share his blessings with others: On Jesus’ ministry on earth, he revealed God as love. He commanded believers to love one another – and one of the proofs of love is giving. When you express the love of God by giving to those in need, the bible says that you will be rewarded several times over {Luke 6:38}.
  • God does not want you to be consumed with the desire for money: As a popular Bible verse says, the love of money is the root of all evil {1 Timothy 6:10a}. Many have misinterpreted this verse, falsely associating poverty with piety. Money itself is not a bad thing. But an excessive love or desire for it is spiritually unhealthy.
  • God wants you to focus on building His kingdom, not just on amassing wealth: The common practice of the unbeliever is to look for every nuke and cranny to make money. But for the believer, the focus is always to seek the kingdom first, and every other thing will be added (Matthew 6:33).

What to do to enjoy financial favour

  • Manage your finances with self-discipline: Indiscipline can make God’s favour have little effect on your finances. It is important to note that you are a steward of God’s resources. So, you must be prudent by spending money wisely.
  • Seek knowledge on how to improve your finances: Read books and materials from experts on financial management. Learn how to invest safely. Improve your skills or qualifications to increase your earning power. Lastly, pray to God for wisdom and favour.
  • Pursue excellence in your business endeavours: When you are diligent in your business, it leads to your elevation {Proverbs 22:29}. Whether you are an employee or a business owner, you will be singled out for promotion and financial favour when you put in your best effort and improve continually.
  • Become a cheerful giver: Express God’s love by giving to others. You can give to people in need, believers, and non-believers, to further the kingdom of God. It is important that you give cheerfully and not grudgingly {2 Corinthians 9:7}
  • Know that people are important: When you ask God for financial favour, he often sends people to help you. God can use anyone whether or not they are believers. Though heaven does not print dollar bills, God can use anybody – even people you would not expect- to meet your needs. Therefore, you should love people with the genuine love of God and treat them with respect and compassion.

In conclusion, it is not God’s plan that people suffer financially. Because his plans are plans for good and not for evil, to prosper you and give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). So, regardless of your condition financially, God is still ready to partner with you to ensure that you enjoy the victorious life here on earth.

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  2. PRAYERS FOR FINANCES & PROSPERITY: Discover Simple and Powerful Prayers to Attract Supernatural Financial Breakthrough
  3. FASTING FOR DELIVERANCE HEALING & SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH: Breaking Through The First and Second Heaven for Manifestation of Blessings and Deliverance
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  5. How To Hear The Voice of God Clearly and Recognize It: A Powerful and Effective Guide to Hearing the Voice of God More Often Kindle Edition
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  9. Praying the Book of Psalms: Discover The Hidden Powers of Praying the Psalms to Activate God’s Uncommon Favor, Financial Blessings, and Protection in Your Life
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