Every human being comes across the hurdles of life at certain points in time. Hardly is there a person on earth who has not faced trying times, whether financially, healthwise, or safety-related. The list of eventualities and circumstances are inexhaustible but how individuals handle such times determines their outcome– either in one piece or in pieces. Trials must come because it’s a part of life, and though that of some persons might be obviously more than those of some others, no one is exempted. Even believers face such trials or persecutions too.
So let it settle within you that trials will certainly come, but what you do when they come and hit you hard is of more importance. It matters a whole lot your response to tough situations. Are you going to get depressed and sulk day after day with no hope and give in to defeat? How best should you react to such stages of life? How can you find a shelter so you’ll survive those storms and emerge unscathed? Read on to find out how you can.
What does fixing your eyes on Jesus mean?
To fix your eyes on something means that, first of all, you’re not looking elsewhere. For example, you can not look at a poster on a wall in front of you and at the same time look at a car parked behind you. It’s impossible, and you would have to shift your eyes to whatever else you want to look at.
In the same manner, fixing your eyes on Jesus would mean that he’s the only one capturing your total focus and attention. Keep your attention on his instructions, position, and admonitions, and ward off distractions.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. [Heb 12:2 KJV]
Why should I fix my eyes on Jesus- is it important?
Its importance cannot be overemphasized. As a believer, everything you do should be done with the consciousness or view of what Christ has done for you. Most people sometimes get caught up in self-aroused dissatisfaction and end up in comparison. It is very easy to compare yourself to your neighbour, your friend, your brother, etc., probably because of what they have and think, “I do not have that,” “My family is not like that,” “I don’t look like that.” The result of such, most times, is envy, which is unhealthy and doesn’t lead anywhere good. This is not what God wants for his children. When you do this, you are not fixing your eyes on Jesus.
The story in Matthew 14:22-33 tells us how Jesus’ disciple, Peter, walked on water as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus but began sinking immediately. He shifted his focus to the storm that had been there all the while. One major thing we can learn from this as the importance of looking to Jesus always is that the more you look at Jesus, the more you will be able to see less of the storms around you. That is the truth. You should fix your eyes on him because he is Lord and all-powerful and also readily offers help, support, and anchor.
How do I fix my eyes on Jesus?
First and foremost, acknowledge Jesus as the source and perfecter of your faith. Scripture says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”, Your faith is meant to grow, and you cannot do it all by yourself. Understand and accept that Jesus is the author and source; hence he will always be the centre of your faith, and more even, he is at work in you, bringing your faith to gradual perfection. You can get strengthened to fix your eyes on Jesus by spending time fellowshipping with him too.
Growing in your knowledge of him through his word:
Consistently study the Bible to see Christ as he is its focus and meditate on his word. Romans 12:2 tells us that we should not conform to the ways of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The word of God is how we renew our minds, aligning our thoughts to him and his ways and always having him in our consciousness. Get to know more of who he is. The more you do, you’d better appreciate the weight of him that is with you and keep your eyes on him because you know he is mighty.
Fix your eyes on Jesus by praying always. Prayer is also an act of humility and surrender. At the point where you recognize his Lordship over everything, you’ll see Jesus as your true source of help and sustenance.
Choose to trust God:
When you don’t doubt God’s abilities, you will find it easy to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Choose always to trust Jesus.
Praise God in the storm:
It is almost the same story everywhere that it is easy to praise God when things are going nice and smooth. While choosing to praise God when things get rough can be quite a challenge, the truth is that God is also present in our pain, our suffering, and our times of darkness. He is not far off. When you praise God, you acknowledge He is sovereign, faithful, and merciful, among many other things. Praise gets our focus off ourselves and back on to God.
Be thankful:
Always be thankful to God. Gratitude is important because when you evaluate his faithfulness to you in time past, you’ll see that he is still faithful and will always be faithful to you.
What happens when you keep your eyes on Jesus?
You might want to ask, “are there benefits when I fix my eyes on Jesus?” Or you might even ask, “how will it help in hard times?” The answer, with all sincerity, is yes! Fixing your eyes on Jesus helps a whole lot:
- It gets you to focus on what Christ has made available for you.
- Even when you face persecutions because of your faith, you learn to lean on him when you fix your eyes on Jesus.
- It builds a firm foundation for living well and overcoming obstacles.
- You learn to stay grounded in truth and love no matter what comes your way.
- Fixing your eyes on Jesus would teach you the right way to react when trouble comes or when it lingers. Instead of being tossed about, you can learn to remain strong and steadfast.
- Scripture says in Isaiah 26:3-4 (ESV), “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind stays on you because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.” You have peace within when you know Jesus is for and with you.
The scripture verse preceding the opening verse mentions how the believer has to lay down every weight and the sin that so easily besets [Hebrews 12:1 KJV]. This speaks about accepting God’s rest that you have received because of the finished works of Christ and doing away with unbelief. As believers, make it a spiritual discipline to stick to God even in trials or persecutions.
A heightened focus on God may seem to imply ignoring everything and everyone, living in denial of the real problems that need your very real attention, but in the actual sense, it means the opposite. Focusing on Jesus is the best strategy to ward off every devil’s attack in your faith and win every battle.
March 6, 2022
Fixing your eyes on Jesus
Every human being comes across the hurdles of life at certain points in time. Hardly is there a person on earth who has not faced trying times, whether financially, healthwise, or safety-related. The list of eventualities and circumstances are inexhaustible but how individuals handle such times determines their outcome– either in one piece or in pieces. Trials must come because it’s a part of life, and though that of some persons might be obviously more than those of some others, no one is exempted. Even believers face such trials or persecutions too.
So let it settle within you that trials will certainly come, but what you do when they come and hit you hard is of more importance. It matters a whole lot your response to tough situations. Are you going to get depressed and sulk day after day with no hope and give in to defeat? How best should you react to such stages of life? How can you find a shelter so you’ll survive those storms and emerge unscathed? Read on to find out how you can.
What does fixing your eyes on Jesus mean?
To fix your eyes on something means that, first of all, you’re not looking elsewhere. For example, you can not look at a poster on a wall in front of you and at the same time look at a car parked behind you. It’s impossible, and you would have to shift your eyes to whatever else you want to look at.
In the same manner, fixing your eyes on Jesus would mean that he’s the only one capturing your total focus and attention. Keep your attention on his instructions, position, and admonitions, and ward off distractions.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. [Heb 12:2 KJV]
Why should I fix my eyes on Jesus- is it important?
Its importance cannot be overemphasized. As a believer, everything you do should be done with the consciousness or view of what Christ has done for you. Most people sometimes get caught up in self-aroused dissatisfaction and end up in comparison. It is very easy to compare yourself to your neighbour, your friend, your brother, etc., probably because of what they have and think, “I do not have that,” “My family is not like that,” “I don’t look like that.” The result of such, most times, is envy, which is unhealthy and doesn’t lead anywhere good. This is not what God wants for his children. When you do this, you are not fixing your eyes on Jesus.
The story in Matthew 14:22-33 tells us how Jesus’ disciple, Peter, walked on water as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus but began sinking immediately. He shifted his focus to the storm that had been there all the while. One major thing we can learn from this as the importance of looking to Jesus always is that the more you look at Jesus, the more you will be able to see less of the storms around you. That is the truth. You should fix your eyes on him because he is Lord and all-powerful and also readily offers help, support, and anchor.
How do I fix my eyes on Jesus?
First and foremost, acknowledge Jesus as the source and perfecter of your faith. Scripture says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”, Your faith is meant to grow, and you cannot do it all by yourself. Understand and accept that Jesus is the author and source; hence he will always be the centre of your faith, and more even, he is at work in you, bringing your faith to gradual perfection. You can get strengthened to fix your eyes on Jesus by spending time fellowshipping with him too.
Growing in your knowledge of him through his word:
Consistently study the Bible to see Christ as he is its focus and meditate on his word. Romans 12:2 tells us that we should not conform to the ways of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The word of God is how we renew our minds, aligning our thoughts to him and his ways and always having him in our consciousness. Get to know more of who he is. The more you do, you’d better appreciate the weight of him that is with you and keep your eyes on him because you know he is mighty.
Fix your eyes on Jesus by praying always. Prayer is also an act of humility and surrender. At the point where you recognize his Lordship over everything, you’ll see Jesus as your true source of help and sustenance.
Choose to trust God:
When you don’t doubt God’s abilities, you will find it easy to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Choose always to trust Jesus.
Praise God in the storm:
It is almost the same story everywhere that it is easy to praise God when things are going nice and smooth. While choosing to praise God when things get rough can be quite a challenge, the truth is that God is also present in our pain, our suffering, and our times of darkness. He is not far off. When you praise God, you acknowledge He is sovereign, faithful, and merciful, among many other things. Praise gets our focus off ourselves and back on to God.
Be thankful:
Always be thankful to God. Gratitude is important because when you evaluate his faithfulness to you in time past, you’ll see that he is still faithful and will always be faithful to you.
What happens when you keep your eyes on Jesus?
You might want to ask, “are there benefits when I fix my eyes on Jesus?” Or you might even ask, “how will it help in hard times?” The answer, with all sincerity, is yes! Fixing your eyes on Jesus helps a whole lot:
- It gets you to focus on what Christ has made available for you.
- Even when you face persecutions because of your faith, you learn to lean on him when you fix your eyes on Jesus.
- It builds a firm foundation for living well and overcoming obstacles.
- You learn to stay grounded in truth and love no matter what comes your way.
- Fixing your eyes on Jesus would teach you the right way to react when trouble comes or when it lingers. Instead of being tossed about, you can learn to remain strong and steadfast.
- Scripture says in Isaiah 26:3-4 (ESV), “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind stays on you because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.” You have peace within when you know Jesus is for and with you.
The scripture verse preceding the opening verse mentions how the believer has to lay down every weight and the sin that so easily besets [Hebrews 12:1 KJV]. This speaks about accepting God’s rest that you have received because of the finished works of Christ and doing away with unbelief. As believers, make it a spiritual discipline to stick to God even in trials or persecutions.
A heightened focus on God may seem to imply ignoring everything and everyone, living in denial of the real problems that need your very real attention, but in the actual sense, it means the opposite. Focusing on Jesus is the best strategy to ward off every devil’s attack in your faith and win every battle.
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