Every human puts their faith in one thing or another. For example, some people put their faith in their mechanic to fix their car; others put their faith in their medication to heal them, etc. But all of these faiths know one end – disappointment. In contrast, there is someone you can entirely have faith in with your life, property, family, children, business, etc. He is called the Son of God. Unfortunately, most people are usually confused about the topic of faith. However, in this article, you shall be learning more about faith and how to put your faith in the Son of God.

What is Faith in the Son of God
The term faith has been reduced over time, but in the previous article, the concept and definition of faith are properly explained. Faith in simple words, is a solemn belief in a person or a cause. At the same time, faith in the Son of God is having trust or confidence in the Son of God for who he is and what he can perform.
Everything the believer enjoys is based on the Son’s finished work on the cross. So, having faith in Him for who he is and what he can do is not far-fetched at all. It is placing your belief on someone who has gone the extra mile to save you when you are incapable of saving yourself.
Why Do People Struggle with Having Faith in the Son of God?
Has it ever baffled you that irrespective of how much faith is preached about, many people still find it difficult to put their faith in God genuinely? Now, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why people find it hard to have faith in God.
The misconception of Who God is:
What different individuals are exposed to as far as the knowledge of God is concerned informs the different decisions they make either consciously or subconsciously as it borders on having faith in God. People who have a faulty understanding of God would find it most difficult to trust him.
For instance, if you think of God as one critical deity who is only concerned with making sure everyone does what is right and punishes those who do wrong, you will not be able to relate to his loving-kindness. This means you will not believe him to come through for you when you do wrong. In the same vein, you would equally walk straight into the web of entitlement, believing that you deserve a particular thing when you do something right. This makes you question God’s capability if, for any reason, things do not go the way you have preconceived it to go.
Misrepresentation of God:
Since you don’t get to see God in bodily form walking the streets, the men around you mirror the person of God to your subconscious mind. This is what makes it difficult for people who have heard the message of faith in God countless times and have seen the reflection of God’s might and love in the “little” and “big” miracles alike struggle with putting their faith in God.
The betrayal of the Christian they held in high esteem, the hurt inflicted by their ever religious Father, the hypocrisy of their supposed Christian neighbor have rubbed off negatively on who God is in their subconscious. Somehow, people tend to believe that every Christain will represent God correctly. This makes for misrepresenting who God is if a Christain gives off a personality that breeds distrust.
Faulty Understanding of What Faith in the Son of God Means:
Sadly, many individuals have conceptualized the subject of faith in God to be a mere means to an end. This means faith in God has been reduced to a ticket for obtaining miracles from God. While it is quite true that it is by faith you obtain miracles, it is faulty to have faith in God solely for the things he can do for you. What this does is that you start wavering in your faith in God when things do not go as you wish them to. The right attitude to faith in God is faith in who God is, not merely what he can and should do for you.
Who is the Son of God?
Having examined some things that make it difficult to have faith in the Son of God. One key thing that stands out is understanding who the Son of God is. Therefore, it is important to answer the question of the person of the Son of God.
The answer to this question was first publicly given by John the Baptist when Jesus came to him for baptism. Therefore, the first thing to note is that Christ is the Son of God. Much later, in the Gospel, Jesus himself asserted that he and the Father are one. This simply means that Christ is the Son of God and the Son of God is equally God. This would further mean that whatever attributes are found in God is found in the Son of God. The attributes of God can be summarized into three major aspects as postulated by Augustine (AD 354-430);
- Omniscient- All-knowing.
- Omnipotent- All-powerful.
- Omnipresent- Everywhere.
Importance of Having Faith in the Son of God.
Here are the major benefits of faith in the Son of God.
Living a Life Above Fear and Anxiety:
If there’s anything faith in the Son of God helps you accomplish, it is living a life that is not governed by fear, anxiety, worry, etc. Faith in the Son of God makes you certain that no matter what happens, God is for you, and at the end of the day, he will always come through for you, and everything will end in praise.
Living a Life That Pleases God:
The Bible clarifies that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Have you ever wondered why? The reason is simple; the opposite of faith in God is fear. And fear is a powerful weapon that causes people to make wrong decisions and compromise their stand in God. Therefore, it means that when you have faith in God, you will be able to live a life that pleases God as you would be above the clutter of fear and desperation.
Showing a Better Representation of God:
Faith in God makes it possible for you to live out a life of higher quality. Giving people a better reflection of who God is. The lifestyle of the kingdom of God is entirely built on faith. For example, for you to receive anything from God, you need to have faith
In conclusion, the Bible is clear that without faith in the Son of God, you have no part with God. This is because the Son is the door to the Father, and everyone that has received the Son has also received the Father. Therefore, to live a superior life of abundance and true representation of God, you need to have faith in the Son of God.
February 20, 2022
FAITH Part 2: Faith In The Son Of God
Every human puts their faith in one thing or another. For example, some people put their faith in their mechanic to fix their car; others put their faith in their medication to heal them, etc. But all of these faiths know one end – disappointment. In contrast, there is someone you can entirely have faith in with your life, property, family, children, business, etc. He is called the Son of God. Unfortunately, most people are usually confused about the topic of faith. However, in this article, you shall be learning more about faith and how to put your faith in the Son of God.

What is Faith in the Son of God
The term faith has been reduced over time, but in the previous article, the concept and definition of faith are properly explained. Faith in simple words, is a solemn belief in a person or a cause. At the same time, faith in the Son of God is having trust or confidence in the Son of God for who he is and what he can perform.
Everything the believer enjoys is based on the Son’s finished work on the cross. So, having faith in Him for who he is and what he can do is not far-fetched at all. It is placing your belief on someone who has gone the extra mile to save you when you are incapable of saving yourself.
Why Do People Struggle with Having Faith in the Son of God?
Has it ever baffled you that irrespective of how much faith is preached about, many people still find it difficult to put their faith in God genuinely? Now, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why people find it hard to have faith in God.
The misconception of Who God is:
What different individuals are exposed to as far as the knowledge of God is concerned informs the different decisions they make either consciously or subconsciously as it borders on having faith in God. People who have a faulty understanding of God would find it most difficult to trust him.
For instance, if you think of God as one critical deity who is only concerned with making sure everyone does what is right and punishes those who do wrong, you will not be able to relate to his loving-kindness. This means you will not believe him to come through for you when you do wrong. In the same vein, you would equally walk straight into the web of entitlement, believing that you deserve a particular thing when you do something right. This makes you question God’s capability if, for any reason, things do not go the way you have preconceived it to go.
Misrepresentation of God:
Since you don’t get to see God in bodily form walking the streets, the men around you mirror the person of God to your subconscious mind. This is what makes it difficult for people who have heard the message of faith in God countless times and have seen the reflection of God’s might and love in the “little” and “big” miracles alike struggle with putting their faith in God.
The betrayal of the Christian they held in high esteem, the hurt inflicted by their ever religious Father, the hypocrisy of their supposed Christian neighbor have rubbed off negatively on who God is in their subconscious. Somehow, people tend to believe that every Christain will represent God correctly. This makes for misrepresenting who God is if a Christain gives off a personality that breeds distrust.
Faulty Understanding of What Faith in the Son of God Means:
Sadly, many individuals have conceptualized the subject of faith in God to be a mere means to an end. This means faith in God has been reduced to a ticket for obtaining miracles from God. While it is quite true that it is by faith you obtain miracles, it is faulty to have faith in God solely for the things he can do for you. What this does is that you start wavering in your faith in God when things do not go as you wish them to. The right attitude to faith in God is faith in who God is, not merely what he can and should do for you.
Who is the Son of God?
Having examined some things that make it difficult to have faith in the Son of God. One key thing that stands out is understanding who the Son of God is. Therefore, it is important to answer the question of the person of the Son of God.
The answer to this question was first publicly given by John the Baptist when Jesus came to him for baptism. Therefore, the first thing to note is that Christ is the Son of God. Much later, in the Gospel, Jesus himself asserted that he and the Father are one. This simply means that Christ is the Son of God and the Son of God is equally God. This would further mean that whatever attributes are found in God is found in the Son of God. The attributes of God can be summarized into three major aspects as postulated by Augustine (AD 354-430);
- Omniscient- All-knowing.
- Omnipotent- All-powerful.
- Omnipresent- Everywhere.
Importance of Having Faith in the Son of God.
Here are the major benefits of faith in the Son of God.
Living a Life Above Fear and Anxiety:
If there’s anything faith in the Son of God helps you accomplish, it is living a life that is not governed by fear, anxiety, worry, etc. Faith in the Son of God makes you certain that no matter what happens, God is for you, and at the end of the day, he will always come through for you, and everything will end in praise.
Living a Life That Pleases God:
The Bible clarifies that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Have you ever wondered why? The reason is simple; the opposite of faith in God is fear. And fear is a powerful weapon that causes people to make wrong decisions and compromise their stand in God. Therefore, it means that when you have faith in God, you will be able to live a life that pleases God as you would be above the clutter of fear and desperation.
Showing a Better Representation of God:
Faith in God makes it possible for you to live out a life of higher quality. Giving people a better reflection of who God is. The lifestyle of the kingdom of God is entirely built on faith. For example, for you to receive anything from God, you need to have faith
In conclusion, the Bible is clear that without faith in the Son of God, you have no part with God. This is because the Son is the door to the Father, and everyone that has received the Son has also received the Father. Therefore, to live a superior life of abundance and true representation of God, you need to have faith in the Son of God.
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