February 20, 2022

How To Be Born Again

Like many other phrases in the English language, the term “born again” is often misunderstood by Christians and non-Christians alike. Yet, even judging by its literal meaning alone, the phrase holds many wonders. An attempt to imagine what it entails brings the mind into reflection and meditation. Then going on to examine the phrase beyond its literal meaning, it is responsible for the birthing of new sons to God.

So what then does it mean to be born again? Nicodemus was as confused about the subject in Jesus’ time as many of us are now. Although there is no scientific evidence to state otherwise currently, speaking from the existing theories, the rebirth of any man is highly unlikely. We know that life proceeds from the concepts to a baby, child, adolescent, youth, adult, elderly, and death from ages past. So what does the bible mean when it says,

Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Therefore, do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ (John 3:5-7)

The meaning of being born again

One truth that is clear from the scriptures is that the creator’s ways are higher than men’s. As such, attempting to comprehend his ways fully will bring unnecessary duress to our minds. This means that simple belief in what the bible says is paramount in this discussion. Therefore, to be born again is to believe in the good news preached by Jesus and the apostles of faith.

Continuing from John 3:7, Jesus went on to explain how his love for men brought him to earth and how he must be crucified and hung on the cross. He also stated that a belief in his death would amount to salvation for all. Therefore, to be born again does not mean participating in repeated acts of charity or undergoing stringent religious rites; in fact, it is nothing about your good conduct. In its entirety, it is a simple trust in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Why should you be born again?

From Romans 3:23, it is explicit by scripture that all have sinned and come short of God’s glory. This means that no matter how good you think you are, your goodness doesn’t even come close to God’s standard. This in itself is a serious problem and is further compounded by the fact that death is the end product of sin. (Romans 6:23).

Above all else, this is one of the most pressing reasons why you need to be born again. Let’s use this analogy, supposing you intended to take a train A, headed for the North, but by sheer mistake, you got on train B that is already programmed to travel South; what do you think would happen? Train B is set on a course for forwarding motion only, and if you remain on that train, the only place you will end up in South.

No matter how good-intentioned the trainmaster is, he cannot turn the train around for you. So you either alight the train and board another headed North or continue with train B till you arrive in the South. This is the situation all of humanity is in right now; being born human already set you on the train headed down South to destruction and death. You didn’t do anything to get on that train, but you are headed for the sour South if you choose to remain on the train and do not alight (get born again).

How to be born again?

There is absolutely no need to be afraid or hesitant in taking action. We shall be sharing the “how to be born again” tips here are not herculean or intended to make you a slave to religion. God is goodness and light personified; there is also no mystery in what he requires from us as the bible was never ambiguous about how to please him. This might not be your regular “be born again message,” but God’s truth is simplified. So, here is how to go about it.

  1. Come to terms with the fact that aside from Jesus, there is no other hope for salvation.

Preachers of the gospel do not joke with this; no matter how much we love you and want you to feel comfortable, we spell out the helplessness of men. Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, e.t.c; as lovely as they sound, they cannot save anyone from the death that awaits the natural man. There is no other acceptable way; no other religion can subserve for a plan B. Besides Christ, nothing can meet up with God’s requirement. Therefore, the lamb he already offered is the only acceptable means of salvation.

  1. Do not allow your heart to get swindled; belief firmly in Jesus.

In our world today, sewing precedes believing but in God’s kingdom, you believe firstly, then you see. Therefore, employing this principle, you might not have seen Jesus or touched him before but blessed is he who believes before he sees. Adhere to the truth that we preach about Jesus even if there is no sensory evidence to justify the message. Believe what the scripture says that he is the eternal son of God who took your sins and guilt. Acknowledge that he died and was buried and rose again for your justification.

  1. Realizing that salvation is found in him, ask his forgiveness and mercy over your life.

There is no point observing numerous religious codes and conducts, all in a bid to be forgiven. In Christianity, we speak to Jesus as we do to our parents and friends. He is the most intelligent being with sincerity and engages in a conversation with him, and nothing is beyond his comprehension. Tell him that you believe in him and that you need his forgiveness. Plead that he washes you with the cleansing blood he shed for your sake.

  1. Confess him as your Lord.

Openly speak of him as your Lord; this declaration will bring your mind to an alignment with what you now believe in your heart.


Being born again is believing Jesus as your savior and Lord. It is a very easy but life-altering process that can bring about salvation from eternal death. It entails believing in Jesus as the only way to salvation and declaring him as savior and Lord over your heart.

February 20, 2022

How To Be Born Again

Like many other phrases in the English language, the term “born again” is often misunderstood by Christians and non-Christians alike. Yet, even judging by its literal meaning alone, the phrase holds many wonders. An attempt to imagine what it entails brings the mind into reflection and meditation. Then going on to examine the phrase beyond its literal meaning, it is responsible for the birthing of new sons to God.

So what then does it mean to be born again? Nicodemus was as confused about the subject in Jesus’ time as many of us are now. Although there is no scientific evidence to state otherwise currently, speaking from the existing theories, the rebirth of any man is highly unlikely. We know that life proceeds from the concepts to a baby, child, adolescent, youth, adult, elderly, and death from ages past. So what does the bible mean when it says,

Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Therefore, do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ (John 3:5-7)

The meaning of being born again

One truth that is clear from the scriptures is that the creator’s ways are higher than men’s. As such, attempting to comprehend his ways fully will bring unnecessary duress to our minds. This means that simple belief in what the bible says is paramount in this discussion. Therefore, to be born again is to believe in the good news preached by Jesus and the apostles of faith.

Continuing from John 3:7, Jesus went on to explain how his love for men brought him to earth and how he must be crucified and hung on the cross. He also stated that a belief in his death would amount to salvation for all. Therefore, to be born again does not mean participating in repeated acts of charity or undergoing stringent religious rites; in fact, it is nothing about your good conduct. In its entirety, it is a simple trust in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Why should you be born again?

From Romans 3:23, it is explicit by scripture that all have sinned and come short of God’s glory. This means that no matter how good you think you are, your goodness doesn’t even come close to God’s standard. This in itself is a serious problem and is further compounded by the fact that death is the end product of sin. (Romans 6:23).

Above all else, this is one of the most pressing reasons why you need to be born again. Let’s use this analogy, supposing you intended to take a train A, headed for the North, but by sheer mistake, you got on train B that is already programmed to travel South; what do you think would happen? Train B is set on a course for forwarding motion only, and if you remain on that train, the only place you will end up in South.

No matter how good-intentioned the trainmaster is, he cannot turn the train around for you. So you either alight the train and board another headed North or continue with train B till you arrive in the South. This is the situation all of humanity is in right now; being born human already set you on the train headed down South to destruction and death. You didn’t do anything to get on that train, but you are headed for the sour South if you choose to remain on the train and do not alight (get born again).

How to be born again?

There is absolutely no need to be afraid or hesitant in taking action. We shall be sharing the “how to be born again” tips here are not herculean or intended to make you a slave to religion. God is goodness and light personified; there is also no mystery in what he requires from us as the bible was never ambiguous about how to please him. This might not be your regular “be born again message,” but God’s truth is simplified. So, here is how to go about it.

  1. Come to terms with the fact that aside from Jesus, there is no other hope for salvation.

Preachers of the gospel do not joke with this; no matter how much we love you and want you to feel comfortable, we spell out the helplessness of men. Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, e.t.c; as lovely as they sound, they cannot save anyone from the death that awaits the natural man. There is no other acceptable way; no other religion can subserve for a plan B. Besides Christ, nothing can meet up with God’s requirement. Therefore, the lamb he already offered is the only acceptable means of salvation.

  1. Do not allow your heart to get swindled; belief firmly in Jesus.

In our world today, sewing precedes believing but in God’s kingdom, you believe firstly, then you see. Therefore, employing this principle, you might not have seen Jesus or touched him before but blessed is he who believes before he sees. Adhere to the truth that we preach about Jesus even if there is no sensory evidence to justify the message. Believe what the scripture says that he is the eternal son of God who took your sins and guilt. Acknowledge that he died and was buried and rose again for your justification.

  1. Realizing that salvation is found in him, ask his forgiveness and mercy over your life.

There is no point observing numerous religious codes and conducts, all in a bid to be forgiven. In Christianity, we speak to Jesus as we do to our parents and friends. He is the most intelligent being with sincerity and engages in a conversation with him, and nothing is beyond his comprehension. Tell him that you believe in him and that you need his forgiveness. Plead that he washes you with the cleansing blood he shed for your sake.

  1. Confess him as your Lord.

Openly speak of him as your Lord; this declaration will bring your mind to an alignment with what you now believe in your heart.


Being born again is believing Jesus as your savior and Lord. It is a very easy but life-altering process that can bring about salvation from eternal death. It entails believing in Jesus as the only way to salvation and declaring him as savior and Lord over your heart.

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