Living a life of love like Jesus did is one of the best ways of expressing kindness and care to other people. When you love, especially as Jesus does, you will shed certain negative attributes: greed, bitterness, worry, petulance, and resentment. But, most importantly, you may transcend your human flaws and become perfect as your heavenly father. Loving like Jesus is a model that challenges Christian to live a superior lifestyle far above hatred and mediocrity. If you are wondering how to love like Jesus, then read on.
I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. (John 13:34)

Is it Possible to Love Like Jesus?
It is important to note that Jesus is the standard or reference point for love. This is because God is love, and He showed everyone how to love by giving himself as a drink offering. Jesus teaches everyone to love their enemies, turn the other cheek when slapped, go the extra mile for others, and make sacrifices. This may sound completely strange or outrageous, and you may be asking whether it is possible to love like Jesus.
Truly, you can love like Jesus as a believer. You may think this is impossible, but the truth is that as Jesus is, so are you in this world (1 John 4:17). This may come to you as a surprise, but it is the truth. When you give your life to Christ and become a believer, your spirit becomes regenerated and becomes one with Jesus. As you begin to allow the ministry of the Holy Spirit to work in your heart, your mind will be completely transformed and conformed to the ways of the kingdom. This means that you will be changed from the inside out to become more like Jesus.
How to Love Like Jesus
The motto for every Christians is Love. However, many Christain do not walk in this reality because of the inability to learn to love like the Lord Jesus. As a Christian, you ought to learn from Jesus’s example and show the world love as he does. Here are some ways on how to love like Jesus;
Empathy for People:
You need to put yourselves in other people’s positions rather than judge them. It is often very easy to point fingers at others and judge them for their wrongdoings. However, God hates and does not love the measurement or parameters men evaluate with. To love like Jesus is to show empathy without bias for someone’s past, religion, skin color, etc. Instead, love your neighbor as yourself and even your enemies.
Jesus forgave till the end. While nailing Jesus to the cross, he prayed and forgave his prosecutors. One way to love like Jesus is by forgiving people that have offended you in any manner. It is important to note that forgiveness is a gift that every believer has received from God and ought to share. Even though the hurt and damages may be beyond repair, the bible is very clear about the subject of forgiveness.
Giving and Serving:
One of the chief attributes of the earthly ministry of Jesus is that he never ignored anyone regardless of their faith level, status, or religion. Jesus loved the world, and the proof of it is that He gave himself up serving and sacrificing himself. Therefore, to love like Jesus, you must serve and be willing to give to the needy. Sometimes, you may wonder what to give because you lack finances at the moment. The truth is giving encompasses more than money. It may be your time, acts of service, Word of encouragement, text messages filled with hope to someone in despair, or a call just to check on others, etc.
Treat People Equally:
To love like Jesus means that you cannot be selective in treating people. The book of James strongly condemns favoritism based on economic or social status: “But if you are regarded as persons, you commit sin, and you are convicted by the law as transgressors” (James 2:9). You must treat every human being with dignity and respect, remembering that that person is a special creation, designed in the image of God. So, it would help if you strived to cleanse your hearts of racial prejudice, socioeconomic snobbery, and religious superiority.
Proclaim the Truth:
To love like Jesus means that you care enough about the souls of others to tell them the truth. A rich young man approached Jesus with good intentions but lacked the will to surrender (Luke 18:18-25). He wanted what Jesus offered him, but he didn’t want Jesus. He loved his money more, and Jesus lovingly pointed out the young man’s greed. You don’t love people by diluting the gospel that could save them. Jesus never changed the truth to satisfy His hearers’ “itch of hearing”. He loved them enough to warn, challenge, teach, and forgive them to the cross.
Correct Others when at fault:
It is important that you should not equate love with total acceptance of everything someone does. Jesus did not tolerate sin, deceit, or false followers. He was rigorously direct with the Pharisees, religious leaders, and those who claimed to love him but loved their lives more. While still loving them, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, calling them “Hypocrites” and “Blind” (Matthew 23:13, 16). Therefore, to love like the way Jesus does, you must be able to correct people’s wrongdoing in an acceptable manner.
Absence of Discrimination:
Jesus did not discriminate when He loved. He warned us that it is easy to love those who are like us. Yet Jesus loved even His enemies and expected His followers to do the same. He healed, fed, and ministered to many who would later shout, “Crucify him.” He washed the feet of Judas Iscariot, knowing that in a few hours Judas would betray him. He insisted on attending to the hated Samaritans and even made a Samaritan the hero of a parable. Rich and poor, young and old, religious and pagan: people came to listen to Jesus because He loved them.
In conclusion, if you want to love as similar to Jesus, you have to allow the Holy Spirit to conform you to His Son’s image (Romans 8:29). Jesus was always obedient to the Father, was pure in every way, and loved people selflessly. He commanded everyone to love one another the same way He had loved.
February 8, 2022
How to Love Like Jesus
Living a life of love like Jesus did is one of the best ways of expressing kindness and care to other people. When you love, especially as Jesus does, you will shed certain negative attributes: greed, bitterness, worry, petulance, and resentment. But, most importantly, you may transcend your human flaws and become perfect as your heavenly father. Loving like Jesus is a model that challenges Christian to live a superior lifestyle far above hatred and mediocrity. If you are wondering how to love like Jesus, then read on.
I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. (John 13:34)

Is it Possible to Love Like Jesus?
It is important to note that Jesus is the standard or reference point for love. This is because God is love, and He showed everyone how to love by giving himself as a drink offering. Jesus teaches everyone to love their enemies, turn the other cheek when slapped, go the extra mile for others, and make sacrifices. This may sound completely strange or outrageous, and you may be asking whether it is possible to love like Jesus.
Truly, you can love like Jesus as a believer. You may think this is impossible, but the truth is that as Jesus is, so are you in this world (1 John 4:17). This may come to you as a surprise, but it is the truth. When you give your life to Christ and become a believer, your spirit becomes regenerated and becomes one with Jesus. As you begin to allow the ministry of the Holy Spirit to work in your heart, your mind will be completely transformed and conformed to the ways of the kingdom. This means that you will be changed from the inside out to become more like Jesus.
How to Love Like Jesus
The motto for every Christians is Love. However, many Christain do not walk in this reality because of the inability to learn to love like the Lord Jesus. As a Christian, you ought to learn from Jesus’s example and show the world love as he does. Here are some ways on how to love like Jesus;
Empathy for People:
You need to put yourselves in other people’s positions rather than judge them. It is often very easy to point fingers at others and judge them for their wrongdoings. However, God hates and does not love the measurement or parameters men evaluate with. To love like Jesus is to show empathy without bias for someone’s past, religion, skin color, etc. Instead, love your neighbor as yourself and even your enemies.
Jesus forgave till the end. While nailing Jesus to the cross, he prayed and forgave his prosecutors. One way to love like Jesus is by forgiving people that have offended you in any manner. It is important to note that forgiveness is a gift that every believer has received from God and ought to share. Even though the hurt and damages may be beyond repair, the bible is very clear about the subject of forgiveness.
Giving and Serving:
One of the chief attributes of the earthly ministry of Jesus is that he never ignored anyone regardless of their faith level, status, or religion. Jesus loved the world, and the proof of it is that He gave himself up serving and sacrificing himself. Therefore, to love like Jesus, you must serve and be willing to give to the needy. Sometimes, you may wonder what to give because you lack finances at the moment. The truth is giving encompasses more than money. It may be your time, acts of service, Word of encouragement, text messages filled with hope to someone in despair, or a call just to check on others, etc.
Treat People Equally:
To love like Jesus means that you cannot be selective in treating people. The book of James strongly condemns favoritism based on economic or social status: “But if you are regarded as persons, you commit sin, and you are convicted by the law as transgressors” (James 2:9). You must treat every human being with dignity and respect, remembering that that person is a special creation, designed in the image of God. So, it would help if you strived to cleanse your hearts of racial prejudice, socioeconomic snobbery, and religious superiority.
Proclaim the Truth:
To love like Jesus means that you care enough about the souls of others to tell them the truth. A rich young man approached Jesus with good intentions but lacked the will to surrender (Luke 18:18-25). He wanted what Jesus offered him, but he didn’t want Jesus. He loved his money more, and Jesus lovingly pointed out the young man’s greed. You don’t love people by diluting the gospel that could save them. Jesus never changed the truth to satisfy His hearers’ “itch of hearing”. He loved them enough to warn, challenge, teach, and forgive them to the cross.
Correct Others when at fault:
It is important that you should not equate love with total acceptance of everything someone does. Jesus did not tolerate sin, deceit, or false followers. He was rigorously direct with the Pharisees, religious leaders, and those who claimed to love him but loved their lives more. While still loving them, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, calling them “Hypocrites” and “Blind” (Matthew 23:13, 16). Therefore, to love like the way Jesus does, you must be able to correct people’s wrongdoing in an acceptable manner.
Absence of Discrimination:
Jesus did not discriminate when He loved. He warned us that it is easy to love those who are like us. Yet Jesus loved even His enemies and expected His followers to do the same. He healed, fed, and ministered to many who would later shout, “Crucify him.” He washed the feet of Judas Iscariot, knowing that in a few hours Judas would betray him. He insisted on attending to the hated Samaritans and even made a Samaritan the hero of a parable. Rich and poor, young and old, religious and pagan: people came to listen to Jesus because He loved them.
In conclusion, if you want to love as similar to Jesus, you have to allow the Holy Spirit to conform you to His Son’s image (Romans 8:29). Jesus was always obedient to the Father, was pure in every way, and loved people selflessly. He commanded everyone to love one another the same way He had loved.
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