Parenting has become difficult by the day due to the change in the 21st century. Due to the fast-paced world that we now live in, there is little or no time for children. Parents now leave home very early and return late at night, without spending much time with their children. This has led to catastrophic behavioral and social changes that affect society. However, raising God-fearing children requires careful consideration. In this article, you will learn how to raise God-fearing children.

Children: A Gift of God
Raising Godly kids can be very difficult due to the stress of parenting and the financial, emotional, and social changes that accompany it. However, the bible says that children are a reward from God. This means that God entrusts every child to their parents for the proper upbringing, and they will be held accountable for their actions to their children.
Because children are rewards from heaven, the bible instructs every parent to train up a child in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). So, spiritual parenting is simply recognizing the truth from God’s word that children are gifts from God, and He expects parents to raise children in a specific way.
Parenting a Deliberate Responsibility
Raising responsible and spiritual children requires a deliberate parental responsibility. As a parent, you have a primary role of bringing up an amazing replica of yourself or even better. Due to technological advancement and societal changes, parenting is no longer seen as a deliberate responsibility. But for you to see the desired changes in your children spiritually as a parent, you need to dedicate yourself to the care and concerns of your children. More to it is that you need to pay special attention to the character development and their likes and dislikes.
How to Raise Godly Children
As earlier stated, parenting is one of the biggest challenges in the 21st century. There is now a large gap or changes in society, laws, etc. So, children are now subjected to stronger peer pressure, all in the name of civilization. But here are some ways to raise your children in fear of the Lord.
Love the Lord as a Parent:
First, parents need to develop a relationship dedicated to God (Deuteronomy 6:5-7). As parents, you must first love the Lord with all your heart and will, thus showing your children the great love you have for the Lord. This is because you cannot teach your children what you do not have.
Marriage Stability:
Many parents do not understand that a godly and solid marriage adds stability to a child’s life. Marriage stability is proof that you and your partner understand the biblical principles of marriage works, which shapes children’s perspectives concerning the spirituality of marriage. But only when each spouse sincerely loves God and He is the absolute Lord of their life can they build a solid and lasting spiritual foundation vital to the successful upbringing of children. (2 Timothy 1:5)
Be Deliberate to Parental Upbringing:
Ninety-four percent (94%) of all fundamental Christians accepted Jesus as their Savior when they were very young, and sixty-five percent (65%) of all Christians were brought to the Lord by their parents. As parents, we cannot wait for someone to lead our children to the saving knowledge of Jesus, which guarantees that they will not spend eternity in hell. God commanded all parents to take their children to the Savior and in the ways of righteousness because our children are a precious gift from God. Therefore, raising godly children who honor Christ demonstrates our gratitude for these precious gifts.
Teach Children the word of God:
The Bible is God’s instruction manual that parents use to raise children since He created the family unit. They need to learn who He is and how to obey and respect their Creator. To be successful, parents must commit to searching the Scriptures and reading Bible-based books that direct them to be in harmony when teaching their children
Children should attend church as newborn babies and then receive the appropriate education according to their age for the rest of their lives. They should be encouraged to participate in the children’s choir, Christmas stories, and other activities offered at their church.
Get them Born again:
Understanding our children’s greatest need begins with acknowledging their biggest problem. The main problem is that they are sinners from birth (Psalm 51:5). Children do not come into this world seeking God and His righteousness, and they were born sinners and needed the Savior! The tendency to sin leads their hearts and minds until they come to know and have a relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The most urgent need of all children is regeneration. Parents should teach their children to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ early in life.
Educate your children:
Parents need to educate and protect their children. In a culture that is infiltrated with humanistic thinking, sexual immorality, the Godless media, pedophiles, and false teachers, to name a few, parents must take responsibility for the spiritual well-being of their children. Most of the protection is teaching children the truth to reject the lies of Satan trying to take root in their hearts. Parents should realize that it is their responsibility to protect their minds and train their children. This is your God-ordained duty!
Discipline your children:
The father must discipline himself and make devotions together with his family a priority in his home. It is vitally important that he build a biblical foundation for his children because the bible tells us, “that the head of every man is Christ (the Messiah), and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11:3). God has given men the responsibility of being the head of the house, and they have a job to do that they will answer to God on the Day of Judgment.
Yes, the mother can and should help with instruction; but the children will not take it seriously if the father does not take the lead role. If they don’t see their father reading the bible, they probably won’t read it either. Even if the mother studies the bible regularly, and the father refuses to obey God and teach the bible, the children will think they don’t have to read it too. As leaders, men are accountable to God for everything that happens in their families. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Instruct the child in the way he must walk, and even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
We have to realize that Proverbs was written for men. Solomon, who was “wiser than all men” (1 Kings 4:31), wrote Proverbs as an instruction to his sons. “Hey, my son, receive my words, and many will be the years of your life.” (Proverbs 4:10) and “listen, my son, and be wise, and direct your heart in the right way” (Proverbs 23:19). The spiritual formation of children is man’s responsibility. He may have the help of his wife, but he is solely responsible to God.
The Lord is with us to guide and help us through His Holy Spirit to create godly children; therefore: “Trust in the Lord wholeheartedly, and not in your own intelligence. Recognize Him in all your ways, and He will pave your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
March 13, 2022
How to Raise Godly Children
Parenting has become difficult by the day due to the change in the 21st century. Due to the fast-paced world that we now live in, there is little or no time for children. Parents now leave home very early and return late at night, without spending much time with their children. This has led to catastrophic behavioral and social changes that affect society. However, raising God-fearing children requires careful consideration. In this article, you will learn how to raise God-fearing children.

Children: A Gift of God
Raising Godly kids can be very difficult due to the stress of parenting and the financial, emotional, and social changes that accompany it. However, the bible says that children are a reward from God. This means that God entrusts every child to their parents for the proper upbringing, and they will be held accountable for their actions to their children.
Because children are rewards from heaven, the bible instructs every parent to train up a child in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). So, spiritual parenting is simply recognizing the truth from God’s word that children are gifts from God, and He expects parents to raise children in a specific way.
Parenting a Deliberate Responsibility
Raising responsible and spiritual children requires a deliberate parental responsibility. As a parent, you have a primary role of bringing up an amazing replica of yourself or even better. Due to technological advancement and societal changes, parenting is no longer seen as a deliberate responsibility. But for you to see the desired changes in your children spiritually as a parent, you need to dedicate yourself to the care and concerns of your children. More to it is that you need to pay special attention to the character development and their likes and dislikes.
How to Raise Godly Children
As earlier stated, parenting is one of the biggest challenges in the 21st century. There is now a large gap or changes in society, laws, etc. So, children are now subjected to stronger peer pressure, all in the name of civilization. But here are some ways to raise your children in fear of the Lord.
Love the Lord as a Parent:
First, parents need to develop a relationship dedicated to God (Deuteronomy 6:5-7). As parents, you must first love the Lord with all your heart and will, thus showing your children the great love you have for the Lord. This is because you cannot teach your children what you do not have.
Marriage Stability:
Many parents do not understand that a godly and solid marriage adds stability to a child’s life. Marriage stability is proof that you and your partner understand the biblical principles of marriage works, which shapes children’s perspectives concerning the spirituality of marriage. But only when each spouse sincerely loves God and He is the absolute Lord of their life can they build a solid and lasting spiritual foundation vital to the successful upbringing of children. (2 Timothy 1:5)
Be Deliberate to Parental Upbringing:
Ninety-four percent (94%) of all fundamental Christians accepted Jesus as their Savior when they were very young, and sixty-five percent (65%) of all Christians were brought to the Lord by their parents. As parents, we cannot wait for someone to lead our children to the saving knowledge of Jesus, which guarantees that they will not spend eternity in hell. God commanded all parents to take their children to the Savior and in the ways of righteousness because our children are a precious gift from God. Therefore, raising godly children who honor Christ demonstrates our gratitude for these precious gifts.
Teach Children the word of God:
The Bible is God’s instruction manual that parents use to raise children since He created the family unit. They need to learn who He is and how to obey and respect their Creator. To be successful, parents must commit to searching the Scriptures and reading Bible-based books that direct them to be in harmony when teaching their children
Children should attend church as newborn babies and then receive the appropriate education according to their age for the rest of their lives. They should be encouraged to participate in the children’s choir, Christmas stories, and other activities offered at their church.
Get them Born again:
Understanding our children’s greatest need begins with acknowledging their biggest problem. The main problem is that they are sinners from birth (Psalm 51:5). Children do not come into this world seeking God and His righteousness, and they were born sinners and needed the Savior! The tendency to sin leads their hearts and minds until they come to know and have a relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The most urgent need of all children is regeneration. Parents should teach their children to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ early in life.
Educate your children:
Parents need to educate and protect their children. In a culture that is infiltrated with humanistic thinking, sexual immorality, the Godless media, pedophiles, and false teachers, to name a few, parents must take responsibility for the spiritual well-being of their children. Most of the protection is teaching children the truth to reject the lies of Satan trying to take root in their hearts. Parents should realize that it is their responsibility to protect their minds and train their children. This is your God-ordained duty!
Discipline your children:
The father must discipline himself and make devotions together with his family a priority in his home. It is vitally important that he build a biblical foundation for his children because the bible tells us, “that the head of every man is Christ (the Messiah), and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11:3). God has given men the responsibility of being the head of the house, and they have a job to do that they will answer to God on the Day of Judgment.
Yes, the mother can and should help with instruction; but the children will not take it seriously if the father does not take the lead role. If they don’t see their father reading the bible, they probably won’t read it either. Even if the mother studies the bible regularly, and the father refuses to obey God and teach the bible, the children will think they don’t have to read it too. As leaders, men are accountable to God for everything that happens in their families. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Instruct the child in the way he must walk, and even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
We have to realize that Proverbs was written for men. Solomon, who was “wiser than all men” (1 Kings 4:31), wrote Proverbs as an instruction to his sons. “Hey, my son, receive my words, and many will be the years of your life.” (Proverbs 4:10) and “listen, my son, and be wise, and direct your heart in the right way” (Proverbs 23:19). The spiritual formation of children is man’s responsibility. He may have the help of his wife, but he is solely responsible to God.
The Lord is with us to guide and help us through His Holy Spirit to create godly children; therefore: “Trust in the Lord wholeheartedly, and not in your own intelligence. Recognize Him in all your ways, and He will pave your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
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