Behold what manner of Love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!
(1 John 3:1)
Throughout history, there has never been any love story as powerful as the story of the father who gave his only son to be crucified for a people who did not deserve the sacrifice. God was so in love with the world that he gave us his best gift; he sacrificed his most precious possession on the alters of his justice to redeem us. In our contemporary times, we hear people proclaim love for each other, but their actions do not follow through with their words most of the time. But the Love of God was exceptional in that his love was translated into actions.
The world has its description of what love is, but as children of a new kingdom, we need to identify with God’s definition. We can then improve our love relationships from a thorough understanding of God’s Love. God’s love is fascinating in all its essence, and we shall explore all the aspects of this love. Here are some ten qualities that you must know about the Love of God.

- God’s love is Patient
In the famous 1 Corinthians 13, Paul exposes our minds to some critical ingredients contained in love. He helps us see that God’s Love for us is longsuffering. This aspect of God’s Love is evident in his relationship with the Israelites of old. On several occasions, God was patient with their unbelief, weaknesses, sins, e.t.c. God held so strongly to his people, continuously showing them his goodness and favor even when they repeatedly hurt and offended him.
- God’s love forgives.
I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins, return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”
(Isaiah 44:22)
This scripture verse is one of God’s many who pleaded with his people to return to him. Yes, he is the almighty God, but he teaches us patience and forgiveness by his example. God shows us that there is no relationship where forgiveness is not required. You also do not have to wait for the offender to admit he’s wrong before you forgive. When you relate with people, like God, you must endeavor to bear with and forgive their shortcomings. You have not begun practicing love if you cannot pardon the excesses of those you claim to love.
- God’s love is kind
You might already wonder about the relevance of this point such that you might ask, “is it possible to love without being kind?” Well, some people claim to love others without being kind to them. But God teaches us that love is both a noun and a verb; it must be put into action. In God’s love, we find him giving all that he is for us, yet, he is ever willing to discipline us when we need to be corrected. His kindness includes discipline as he can protect us from committing blunders by so doing. As you relate with people, show them kindness by pointing out their wrongs and helping them make amends.
- God’s love is not proud
It’s exceptionally wrong to claim to love and yet put up an attitude of pride. Pride and love do not go together; rather, love and humility. While Jesus walked the Earth, his example was a lifestyle of humility even when he was king of all. In the book of Philippians, Paul tells us that Jesus took the form of a servant and was humble even to the point of death. Jesus came to the world in humility and wooed us to ourselves in this manner.
- God’s love is sincere
Unlike many of us who choose to love others because of what we stand to gain from the relationship, God’s love for humanity was sincere and without ulterior motives. Surely, as we came to love him, we grew devoted to him, but, initially, when Jesus died, he wasn’t certain what our decision would be. We had our free will to accept or reject his sacrifice. However, he died anyway, regardless of what we would decide.
- God’s love is selfless
If Jesus considered himself, he most probably would not have died. He went to Calvary in his selfless, boundless love when we did not ask him to. The Bible says Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). We had not even realized how much trouble we were in. He anticipated our need and went ahead to sort it out.
- God’s Love includes no evil
God demonstrates his love for us in many amazing ways, and the Bible tells us that God’s blessing makes us rich and adds no sorrow. We can find no fault or evil in the Love of God. He is entirely good. No darkness proceeded from him, he is the father of light, and all he does reflects this light.
- God’s love is compassionate
As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.
(Psalm 103: 13-14)
The Bible shows us how much God pours out himself in compassion for us. Compassion is a great part of Hus’s relationship with him, like a loving parent. We are the children of his compassion and the singular objects of his mercy. Since we came into his family, he has continued to shower us with his compassion.
- God loves us despite ourselves
We did not persuade God into loving us, we did nothing to make him love us, and this is why he loves us still, whether or not we wrong him. His love for us is a permanent and eternal affiliation. He does not succumb to mood swings when dealing with us; his character is consistent, and so is his love.
- God’s love will never end
God’s love for us would never fail where faith and hope would fail. He would love us for an eternity, and we can count on his ever-abiding, never-ending love.
April 11, 2022
Knowing God’s Love: 10 Things You Should Know About The Love Of God
Behold what manner of Love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!
(1 John 3:1)
Throughout history, there has never been any love story as powerful as the story of the father who gave his only son to be crucified for a people who did not deserve the sacrifice. God was so in love with the world that he gave us his best gift; he sacrificed his most precious possession on the alters of his justice to redeem us. In our contemporary times, we hear people proclaim love for each other, but their actions do not follow through with their words most of the time. But the Love of God was exceptional in that his love was translated into actions.
The world has its description of what love is, but as children of a new kingdom, we need to identify with God’s definition. We can then improve our love relationships from a thorough understanding of God’s Love. God’s love is fascinating in all its essence, and we shall explore all the aspects of this love. Here are some ten qualities that you must know about the Love of God.

- God’s love is Patient
In the famous 1 Corinthians 13, Paul exposes our minds to some critical ingredients contained in love. He helps us see that God’s Love for us is longsuffering. This aspect of God’s Love is evident in his relationship with the Israelites of old. On several occasions, God was patient with their unbelief, weaknesses, sins, e.t.c. God held so strongly to his people, continuously showing them his goodness and favor even when they repeatedly hurt and offended him.
- God’s love forgives.
I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins, return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”
(Isaiah 44:22)
This scripture verse is one of God’s many who pleaded with his people to return to him. Yes, he is the almighty God, but he teaches us patience and forgiveness by his example. God shows us that there is no relationship where forgiveness is not required. You also do not have to wait for the offender to admit he’s wrong before you forgive. When you relate with people, like God, you must endeavor to bear with and forgive their shortcomings. You have not begun practicing love if you cannot pardon the excesses of those you claim to love.
- God’s love is kind
You might already wonder about the relevance of this point such that you might ask, “is it possible to love without being kind?” Well, some people claim to love others without being kind to them. But God teaches us that love is both a noun and a verb; it must be put into action. In God’s love, we find him giving all that he is for us, yet, he is ever willing to discipline us when we need to be corrected. His kindness includes discipline as he can protect us from committing blunders by so doing. As you relate with people, show them kindness by pointing out their wrongs and helping them make amends.
- God’s love is not proud
It’s exceptionally wrong to claim to love and yet put up an attitude of pride. Pride and love do not go together; rather, love and humility. While Jesus walked the Earth, his example was a lifestyle of humility even when he was king of all. In the book of Philippians, Paul tells us that Jesus took the form of a servant and was humble even to the point of death. Jesus came to the world in humility and wooed us to ourselves in this manner.
- God’s love is sincere
Unlike many of us who choose to love others because of what we stand to gain from the relationship, God’s love for humanity was sincere and without ulterior motives. Surely, as we came to love him, we grew devoted to him, but, initially, when Jesus died, he wasn’t certain what our decision would be. We had our free will to accept or reject his sacrifice. However, he died anyway, regardless of what we would decide.
- God’s love is selfless
If Jesus considered himself, he most probably would not have died. He went to Calvary in his selfless, boundless love when we did not ask him to. The Bible says Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). We had not even realized how much trouble we were in. He anticipated our need and went ahead to sort it out.
- God’s Love includes no evil
God demonstrates his love for us in many amazing ways, and the Bible tells us that God’s blessing makes us rich and adds no sorrow. We can find no fault or evil in the Love of God. He is entirely good. No darkness proceeded from him, he is the father of light, and all he does reflects this light.
- God’s love is compassionate
As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.
(Psalm 103: 13-14)
The Bible shows us how much God pours out himself in compassion for us. Compassion is a great part of Hus’s relationship with him, like a loving parent. We are the children of his compassion and the singular objects of his mercy. Since we came into his family, he has continued to shower us with his compassion.
- God loves us despite ourselves
We did not persuade God into loving us, we did nothing to make him love us, and this is why he loves us still, whether or not we wrong him. His love for us is a permanent and eternal affiliation. He does not succumb to mood swings when dealing with us; his character is consistent, and so is his love.
- God’s love will never end
God’s love for us would never fail where faith and hope would fail. He would love us for an eternity, and we can count on his ever-abiding, never-ending love.
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