May 14, 2022

Praying the Blood of Jesus

There are different praying strategies mentioned in the bible, but pleading the blood of Jesus is one of the most effective ways to pray. While some sects of believers know the power available by pleading the blood of Jesus, others are completely ignorant of the great power available in the blood of Jesus. In this article, you shall be learning about the several things the Blood of Jesus did for the believers and how to pray effectively by the blood.

What is the Blood of Jesus

For believers that grew up in orthodox churches, the term blood of Jesus is commonly sung as hymns and used during Holy Communion. However, only a few know the meaning and how to apply the blood of Jesus for daily victory. The blood of Jesus means several things to different believers, but the summary is that the blood of Jesus is the sign and expression of God’s love.

According to scripture, the blood of Jesus is the ultimate price to purchase the salvation of the world. It was only via animal sacrifices that man could be made pure after the fall of man (Leviticus 17:11). However, the blood of animals is not enough to free people from the influence of sin and make them righteous before God. The only way for the restoration of humanity is the ultimate sacrifice paid on the cross.

Hebrews 9:12-14 clearly talked about the blood of Jesus. According to the writer of the book of Hebrew, it was the blood of Jesus that was able to blot away the sin of man and not that of goats and calves. Therefore, the former systems of sacrificing goats and bulls were no longer needed. After Jesus had paid the price with his blood on the cross, he entered the Most Holy Place once and for all time and secured our redemption forever.

Why Is the Blood of Jesus Powerful?

Our biggest issue is resolved. The only remedy is Jesus’ blood, as we were doomed without it. Here are some reasons why Jesus’ blood is so potent;

  • Paid Man’s Debt once and for all:

The bible says that Christ was offered once to bear the sins of the world (Hebrews 9:28). So, without the sacrifice of Jesus, the debt of sin caused by Adam will still be left unpaid.

  • Provides Justification:

The bible says we are justified by the blood of Jesus (Romans 5:9). To be justified means to be declared sinless, free, not-wanting, and righteous. It is only by the act of the blood that we were able to be seen as righteous in the sight of God. When God looks at every believer, He sees Jesus – the righteous one in them.

  • Provide Forgiveness of Sin:

The bible says that it is by the blood of Jesus we have redemption and forgiveness of sins (Ephesians 1:7). Regardless of how bad or terrible your sin is, Jesus’s blood is more than enough to wipe it away. His blood was the legal ground for the forgiveness of sin.

  • Salvation From The Wrath of God:

The bible says that by his blood, we are saved from the wrath of God(Romans 5:9). After the separation from God, man was regarded as an enemy of God because sin was found in man. However, Jesus took the place of man on the cross, and the wrath of God was fully unleashed on him. So man is now considered the son of God because of the blood of Jesus.

  • Spiritual Health:

The bible says that Jesus took the infirmities of man in his body and nailed it to the cross. Therefore, by His stripes, we are healed. (I Peter 2:24). The weight of death is no longer found in man, as the blood is the ticket to our health. In today’s world, the shed blood of Jesus is all you need to be free from any oppression and sickness. It was all paid for by the precious blood of Jesus. Now healing blood is available to you, right now.

  • Peace with God:

The bible says we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). As earlier explained, man is an enemy of God until Jesus makes the pact and redeems man.

  • Empowered for Victory:

The bible says that they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11).

  • Authority Over the Devil:

The bible says that every believer hath been raised up and is now sitting together in the heavenly places, through Christ Jesus. So, believers are no longer under the dominion of the devil. Jesus says that power and authority have been given to the believer to trample on snakes and scorpions and overcome all the enemy’s power. Therefore, nothing will be able to harm you; not even the devil himself can stop you.

How to Pray the Blood of Jesus

What Jesus paid for you in the blood of Jesus may be accessed via prayer. Just follow God’s word that the blood would do what he said it would. God will take care of the rest if you place your faith in the blood’s power. Because of the blood of Jesus, you can ask God for what he has promised to do. Purification, defense, protection, and even entrance into his presence are all made possible by the blood he shed. He will do these things on your behalf for the glory of God.

In conclusion, the blood of Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for the world’s salvation. We are saved, redeemed, accepted, forgiven, and justified by the blood. It is the blood of Jesus that strengthens every believer to live victoriously over sin, guilt, condemnation, and the devil. Do you want to know how to pray the blood of Jesus more effectively? Then check out some of our published materials on our page for more information on praying the blood of Jesus.

May 14, 2022

Praying the Blood of Jesus

There are different praying strategies mentioned in the bible, but pleading the blood of Jesus is one of the most effective ways to pray. While some sects of believers know the power available by pleading the blood of Jesus, others are completely ignorant of the great power available in the blood of Jesus. In this article, you shall be learning about the several things the Blood of Jesus did for the believers and how to pray effectively by the blood.

What is the Blood of Jesus

For believers that grew up in orthodox churches, the term blood of Jesus is commonly sung as hymns and used during Holy Communion. However, only a few know the meaning and how to apply the blood of Jesus for daily victory. The blood of Jesus means several things to different believers, but the summary is that the blood of Jesus is the sign and expression of God’s love.

According to scripture, the blood of Jesus is the ultimate price to purchase the salvation of the world. It was only via animal sacrifices that man could be made pure after the fall of man (Leviticus 17:11). However, the blood of animals is not enough to free people from the influence of sin and make them righteous before God. The only way for the restoration of humanity is the ultimate sacrifice paid on the cross.

Hebrews 9:12-14 clearly talked about the blood of Jesus. According to the writer of the book of Hebrew, it was the blood of Jesus that was able to blot away the sin of man and not that of goats and calves. Therefore, the former systems of sacrificing goats and bulls were no longer needed. After Jesus had paid the price with his blood on the cross, he entered the Most Holy Place once and for all time and secured our redemption forever.

Why Is the Blood of Jesus Powerful?

Our biggest issue is resolved. The only remedy is Jesus’ blood, as we were doomed without it. Here are some reasons why Jesus’ blood is so potent;

  • Paid Man’s Debt once and for all:

The bible says that Christ was offered once to bear the sins of the world (Hebrews 9:28). So, without the sacrifice of Jesus, the debt of sin caused by Adam will still be left unpaid.

  • Provides Justification:

The bible says we are justified by the blood of Jesus (Romans 5:9). To be justified means to be declared sinless, free, not-wanting, and righteous. It is only by the act of the blood that we were able to be seen as righteous in the sight of God. When God looks at every believer, He sees Jesus – the righteous one in them.

  • Provide Forgiveness of Sin:

The bible says that it is by the blood of Jesus we have redemption and forgiveness of sins (Ephesians 1:7). Regardless of how bad or terrible your sin is, Jesus’s blood is more than enough to wipe it away. His blood was the legal ground for the forgiveness of sin.

  • Salvation From The Wrath of God:

The bible says that by his blood, we are saved from the wrath of God(Romans 5:9). After the separation from God, man was regarded as an enemy of God because sin was found in man. However, Jesus took the place of man on the cross, and the wrath of God was fully unleashed on him. So man is now considered the son of God because of the blood of Jesus.

  • Spiritual Health:

The bible says that Jesus took the infirmities of man in his body and nailed it to the cross. Therefore, by His stripes, we are healed. (I Peter 2:24). The weight of death is no longer found in man, as the blood is the ticket to our health. In today’s world, the shed blood of Jesus is all you need to be free from any oppression and sickness. It was all paid for by the precious blood of Jesus. Now healing blood is available to you, right now.

  • Peace with God:

The bible says we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). As earlier explained, man is an enemy of God until Jesus makes the pact and redeems man.

  • Empowered for Victory:

The bible says that they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11).

  • Authority Over the Devil:

The bible says that every believer hath been raised up and is now sitting together in the heavenly places, through Christ Jesus. So, believers are no longer under the dominion of the devil. Jesus says that power and authority have been given to the believer to trample on snakes and scorpions and overcome all the enemy’s power. Therefore, nothing will be able to harm you; not even the devil himself can stop you.

How to Pray the Blood of Jesus

What Jesus paid for you in the blood of Jesus may be accessed via prayer. Just follow God’s word that the blood would do what he said it would. God will take care of the rest if you place your faith in the blood’s power. Because of the blood of Jesus, you can ask God for what he has promised to do. Purification, defense, protection, and even entrance into his presence are all made possible by the blood he shed. He will do these things on your behalf for the glory of God.

In conclusion, the blood of Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for the world’s salvation. We are saved, redeemed, accepted, forgiven, and justified by the blood. It is the blood of Jesus that strengthens every believer to live victoriously over sin, guilt, condemnation, and the devil. Do you want to know how to pray the blood of Jesus more effectively? Then check out some of our published materials on our page for more information on praying the blood of Jesus.

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