Have you thought if it is possible for a farmer would plant corn and harvest rice? Obviously, it is not possible because certain laws guarantee results. However, every time you continuously carry out any action, you are sowing seeds that will germinate and bring forth fruit in due season. This shows that life is not to be lived by chance or luck. But at every point, you need to sow seeds that will germinate. In this article, you will learn about the principle of seed, time, and harvest.

What is the Principle of Seed, Time, and Harvest
While the earth remaineth, seed, time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease (Gen. 8:22), God instituted this principle after the destruction of the world with water. If you observe carefully, you will notice that the terminology used in this scripture is an agricultural term. Unfortunately, most Christians do not have an agricultural mentality. However, here is the breakdown of the three keywords used (1) Seed, (2) Time (3) Harvest.
Seed: A seed is anything that has or carries life in itself. Seed, when sowed on good soil, brings forth a bumper harvest. A seed is not limited to plants, animals, or money. A seed may be a continuous action such as praying, hard work, respect, loveliness, etc. All of these are seeds that when sown, can germinate and give desirable results.
Time: This is talks about duration. It is a continuous sequence of existence and events that is measurable. In simple terms, time is when an action, process, or condition exists or continues. Everyone that lives on earth today is bounded by time and space. Time is needed for growth and other things. For example, when a farmer plants a seed, he needs time to germinate, grow, and mature.
Harvest: This is when farmers reap from their labor or crops. After all the long time and effort required to make a plant comes to maturity, eventually, it has, and that period is known as harvest.
Application of the Seed, Time and Harvest
You can Sow what you want:
If you want beans, all you have to do is to sow beans. Unfortunately, this means that whatever you need in life, you have to look for the seed that can produce it. People who desire to be respected have to respect others regardless of the outcome. People who need financial freedom have to sow the seed of hard work. This also applies to the negative, as you can reap failure and poverty if you keep sowing the seed of laziness.
The bible says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7). Therefore, you have to be deliberate about what you are sowing. Just like a farmer, after surveying the nutrient of farmland and taking cognizance of the season, he will decide the specific crops he wants to grow. Afterwhich he will go to the seed market or bank to purchase the right seed for sowing.
So, you are the master and architect of your own destiny. If you want to see good flowers in the garden of your heart, then you need to weed out sickly thoughts and actions out of your life. Then, it would help if you replaced it with thoughts of prosperity, virtues, and freedom. Therefore, be deliberate about what you want to sow.
Everything takes time:
In today’s world, many people have the get rich quick mentality. Everything should be instant or as fast as possible. This may be beneficial in some ways, but it has gotten a lot of people in trouble. For example, you can sow corn today and expect a harvest tomorrow. No, you need two-three months for the corn to mature properly.
Currently, there are instant everything advertised on TV every time. For example, We have instant printing, instant mashed potatoes, and instant banking. But, the principles of biblical economics are based on farming, not industrial principles. God is not the great spiritual slot machine in the sky. You do not put in a hundred dollars and instantly get back a thousand. No, you plant a hundred dollars into God’s work. Then, you let that seed grow, mature, and develop so that “in due season,” God will return your harvest.
The principle is fair enough; if you want to get anything meaningful in life, you have to spend time investing in it. For a farmer, you have to spend time weeding unnecessary plants, continuous watering, right application of fertilizer, and adhering to some disease management control. The bible says, “To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2).
You will reap more than you sow:
If a farmer plant two seedlings of corn, he is not expecting back two seeds of corn as harvest. Instead, he is awaiting two full corn from his farmland. Of course, you will always reap the exact seed you sow (e.g., you sow corn and reap corn), but the quantity of your reaping is always more than what you sowed. A case study of sowing and reaping more is the story of salvation. God sowed his only begotten son to reap billions of sons from the earth.
In his parable, Jesus taught wonderful lessons about how the kingdom operates, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; and this is smaller than all other seeds; but when it is full-grown, it is larger than the garden plants, and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.” (Matthew 13:31-32)
The beauty of this law is the multiplication factor of the harvest. For where good seeds are sown for and into the kingdom of God, you can expect a multiplied harvest of joy and life. There is nothing as pleasant as receiving all the rewards for your labor overtime.
In conclusion, you get whatever you sow; it may take time, but it will surely come to pass. In addition, you will surely reap in abundance, regardless of what you have sown, positive or negative.
February 27, 2022
Principle of Seed Times And Harvest
Have you thought if it is possible for a farmer would plant corn and harvest rice? Obviously, it is not possible because certain laws guarantee results. However, every time you continuously carry out any action, you are sowing seeds that will germinate and bring forth fruit in due season. This shows that life is not to be lived by chance or luck. But at every point, you need to sow seeds that will germinate. In this article, you will learn about the principle of seed, time, and harvest.

What is the Principle of Seed, Time, and Harvest
While the earth remaineth, seed, time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease (Gen. 8:22), God instituted this principle after the destruction of the world with water. If you observe carefully, you will notice that the terminology used in this scripture is an agricultural term. Unfortunately, most Christians do not have an agricultural mentality. However, here is the breakdown of the three keywords used (1) Seed, (2) Time (3) Harvest.
Seed: A seed is anything that has or carries life in itself. Seed, when sowed on good soil, brings forth a bumper harvest. A seed is not limited to plants, animals, or money. A seed may be a continuous action such as praying, hard work, respect, loveliness, etc. All of these are seeds that when sown, can germinate and give desirable results.
Time: This is talks about duration. It is a continuous sequence of existence and events that is measurable. In simple terms, time is when an action, process, or condition exists or continues. Everyone that lives on earth today is bounded by time and space. Time is needed for growth and other things. For example, when a farmer plants a seed, he needs time to germinate, grow, and mature.
Harvest: This is when farmers reap from their labor or crops. After all the long time and effort required to make a plant comes to maturity, eventually, it has, and that period is known as harvest.
Application of the Seed, Time and Harvest
You can Sow what you want:
If you want beans, all you have to do is to sow beans. Unfortunately, this means that whatever you need in life, you have to look for the seed that can produce it. People who desire to be respected have to respect others regardless of the outcome. People who need financial freedom have to sow the seed of hard work. This also applies to the negative, as you can reap failure and poverty if you keep sowing the seed of laziness.
The bible says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7). Therefore, you have to be deliberate about what you are sowing. Just like a farmer, after surveying the nutrient of farmland and taking cognizance of the season, he will decide the specific crops he wants to grow. Afterwhich he will go to the seed market or bank to purchase the right seed for sowing.
So, you are the master and architect of your own destiny. If you want to see good flowers in the garden of your heart, then you need to weed out sickly thoughts and actions out of your life. Then, it would help if you replaced it with thoughts of prosperity, virtues, and freedom. Therefore, be deliberate about what you want to sow.
Everything takes time:
In today’s world, many people have the get rich quick mentality. Everything should be instant or as fast as possible. This may be beneficial in some ways, but it has gotten a lot of people in trouble. For example, you can sow corn today and expect a harvest tomorrow. No, you need two-three months for the corn to mature properly.
Currently, there are instant everything advertised on TV every time. For example, We have instant printing, instant mashed potatoes, and instant banking. But, the principles of biblical economics are based on farming, not industrial principles. God is not the great spiritual slot machine in the sky. You do not put in a hundred dollars and instantly get back a thousand. No, you plant a hundred dollars into God’s work. Then, you let that seed grow, mature, and develop so that “in due season,” God will return your harvest.
The principle is fair enough; if you want to get anything meaningful in life, you have to spend time investing in it. For a farmer, you have to spend time weeding unnecessary plants, continuous watering, right application of fertilizer, and adhering to some disease management control. The bible says, “To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2).
You will reap more than you sow:
If a farmer plant two seedlings of corn, he is not expecting back two seeds of corn as harvest. Instead, he is awaiting two full corn from his farmland. Of course, you will always reap the exact seed you sow (e.g., you sow corn and reap corn), but the quantity of your reaping is always more than what you sowed. A case study of sowing and reaping more is the story of salvation. God sowed his only begotten son to reap billions of sons from the earth.
In his parable, Jesus taught wonderful lessons about how the kingdom operates, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; and this is smaller than all other seeds; but when it is full-grown, it is larger than the garden plants, and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.” (Matthew 13:31-32)
The beauty of this law is the multiplication factor of the harvest. For where good seeds are sown for and into the kingdom of God, you can expect a multiplied harvest of joy and life. There is nothing as pleasant as receiving all the rewards for your labor overtime.
In conclusion, you get whatever you sow; it may take time, but it will surely come to pass. In addition, you will surely reap in abundance, regardless of what you have sown, positive or negative.
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