November 14, 2022

SPIRITUAL OXYGEN: Are You Receiving Enough?

You will die if your body does not have access to oxygen. Likewise, “spiritual oxygen” is essential for the growth of a living soul. The Lord is the only one who can breathe life into your mortal body. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can provide this “spiritual oxygen” to your soul. The Christian life is miraculous, just like the act of breathing. Simply allowing oxygen to enter your body and mind after birth is all that is required; nothing causes it; it simply happens.

Religions differ, but only one kind of spirituality can create a living, breathing divine being on the inside. Genuine theology necessitates recognizing your inadequacy in comparison to God’s holiness. If you’re “breathing with Jesus,” you’re not trusting your religious acts to save you. Believe in Him and what He did on the cross for you. Before you put your faith in Christ, you lacked the spiritual equivalent of air. Since your soul was “dead in sin,” this explains it. No signs of life could be seen. Even though your heart may have been in the right place since you were doing religious responsibilities, your approach was lacking in the Holy Spirit. Nothing except hard work, determination, and ego.

Afterwards, you came to terms with your sin and accepted Christ as your Savior. You wondered how it was possible to miss something so glaring after living with it for so long. The thought that I could join God’s family seems ridiculous now. Over time, you started to see the dark side of your religious fervour. As a result, you began to share your breath with Jesus. When the Holy Spirit enters you, your soul awakens, and you start paying attention. You had a genuine first-time encounter with Jesus, and from then on, you have continued to stare at him in awe.

“I know his love for me is strong because of this.” “Why does he thinks I should be a part of his family?” But you know that everything he does, he does for no purpose at all. You may feel the love of God for yourself now. Later on, you realize that your inner self is breathing; what a wonderful sensation.

It’s fresh, real, and full of energy; a huge weight has been lifted off your spiritual shoulders. You no longer have the burdensome feeling that you must do something to get God’s approval. It has never been clear to you just how challenging it is to pray to God in such a way. Having been saved by God’s grace, you may describe it to others. Because of Christ, you count it all joy to be alive.

Explaining what “spiritual oxygen” really means might be challenging. Yes, there is an “ebb and flow” to it. As long as you are “in the body,” you will have to contend with bodily pain, emotional ups and downs, and even spiritual attacks. That doesn’t mean you have a complete “understanding” of these attacks or know all there is to know about them. Still, it does suggest that you are aware that sometimes something “weird” happens in that invisible area. You’re feeling the pressure from somewhere. And you begin to wonder whether spiritual enemies are not attacking you personally but rather your loved ones, your marriage, your church, and your brand new life in Christ.

The Bible reveals the everlasting struggle between good and evil in this invisible realm. It teaches us about life and its inhabitants: angels, devils, God, Satan, sin, and grace. You read about flawed individuals who, like yourself, felt the influence of a higher power and a spiritual presence. Their Creator breathed new life into them, just as you do now.

You are experiencing a period of profound growth and development at the depths of your life’s richness. To describe it fully is an impossibility. But you know that his kindness and mercy are the real reasons you must go through this. You know quite well that without God’s love for you, life as we know it would be completely hopeless. Also, you want everyone to understand this incredible love. You want everyone to recognize Jesus’s undeserved mercy. Christianity is like oxygen for a healthy body.

Stay on the lookout and be consistent in your prayers for the world’s Christians. Prayer is good for us; we should do it often without stopping. We could feel obligated to do it, but there are many valid reasons to delay.

We may give up praying or start to question the value of doing so. A new Christian’s first prayers have the tone of a conversation with a close friend since they are written in everyday language. When speaking to God, they don’t raise their voices or use special “theological” language. It’s a shame we couldn’t keep our childlike wonder as we progressed. Surely God likes to hear our naiveté when we talk to him.

Praying without ceasing to help us grow spiritually, just like any other discipline that one is consistent at. There’s no one right way to start, and self-focused prayers are perfectly OK. However, when we cultivate the habit of praying, we will see a shift in the focal point of our lives. As a result of this change, our prayers will no longer be just about ourselves but about God and the people around us. When praying, we should always remember the following:

  1. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we learn that prayer is a moral imperative.
  2. God is pleased when we pray. John 14:13
  • Happy people pray. James 5:16
  1. We pray in Jesus’ name. John 14:13.
  2. God-centered petitions. Matthew 21:22
  3. Praying for God’s will to be done. John 5:14
  • The power of prayer may be seen in; James 5:16

Ephesians 6:13-18 details the “Armor of God” that Paul instructs us to put on. Someone who hasn’t done what’s necessary to keep himself alive won’t benefit from wearing a belt of truth, putting on a helmet of salvation, or wielding a sword of the Spirit. We could not go into battle even if we wore all of this armor. Breathe!

Praying is as essential to a Christ-life follower as breathing is to virtually all things on earth. Moderate signs of oxygen deprivation include forgetfulness, slowed processing speed, decreased judgment and coordination, and an increased heart rate. If oxygen levels drop too low for too long, seizures, comas, and even brain death may occur. Envision yourself in battle, fully clad in God’s armor, yet unable to think clearly, making poor decisions, stumbling about, and eventually falling. You’d be dead in no time! Prayer should be as natural to us as breathing since it is to God’s children.

Every moment of the day requires that I keep God at the forefront of my mind and discuss my concerns with him. If I “pray without stopping,” I will be better able to make hard choices and face my enemies. “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

November 14, 2022

SPIRITUAL OXYGEN: Are You Receiving Enough?

You will die if your body does not have access to oxygen. Likewise, “spiritual oxygen” is essential for the growth of a living soul. The Lord is the only one who can breathe life into your mortal body. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can provide this “spiritual oxygen” to your soul. The Christian life is miraculous, just like the act of breathing. Simply allowing oxygen to enter your body and mind after birth is all that is required; nothing causes it; it simply happens.

Religions differ, but only one kind of spirituality can create a living, breathing divine being on the inside. Genuine theology necessitates recognizing your inadequacy in comparison to God’s holiness. If you’re “breathing with Jesus,” you’re not trusting your religious acts to save you. Believe in Him and what He did on the cross for you. Before you put your faith in Christ, you lacked the spiritual equivalent of air. Since your soul was “dead in sin,” this explains it. No signs of life could be seen. Even though your heart may have been in the right place since you were doing religious responsibilities, your approach was lacking in the Holy Spirit. Nothing except hard work, determination, and ego.

Afterwards, you came to terms with your sin and accepted Christ as your Savior. You wondered how it was possible to miss something so glaring after living with it for so long. The thought that I could join God’s family seems ridiculous now. Over time, you started to see the dark side of your religious fervour. As a result, you began to share your breath with Jesus. When the Holy Spirit enters you, your soul awakens, and you start paying attention. You had a genuine first-time encounter with Jesus, and from then on, you have continued to stare at him in awe.

“I know his love for me is strong because of this.” “Why does he thinks I should be a part of his family?” But you know that everything he does, he does for no purpose at all. You may feel the love of God for yourself now. Later on, you realize that your inner self is breathing; what a wonderful sensation.

It’s fresh, real, and full of energy; a huge weight has been lifted off your spiritual shoulders. You no longer have the burdensome feeling that you must do something to get God’s approval. It has never been clear to you just how challenging it is to pray to God in such a way. Having been saved by God’s grace, you may describe it to others. Because of Christ, you count it all joy to be alive.

Explaining what “spiritual oxygen” really means might be challenging. Yes, there is an “ebb and flow” to it. As long as you are “in the body,” you will have to contend with bodily pain, emotional ups and downs, and even spiritual attacks. That doesn’t mean you have a complete “understanding” of these attacks or know all there is to know about them. Still, it does suggest that you are aware that sometimes something “weird” happens in that invisible area. You’re feeling the pressure from somewhere. And you begin to wonder whether spiritual enemies are not attacking you personally but rather your loved ones, your marriage, your church, and your brand new life in Christ.

The Bible reveals the everlasting struggle between good and evil in this invisible realm. It teaches us about life and its inhabitants: angels, devils, God, Satan, sin, and grace. You read about flawed individuals who, like yourself, felt the influence of a higher power and a spiritual presence. Their Creator breathed new life into them, just as you do now.

You are experiencing a period of profound growth and development at the depths of your life’s richness. To describe it fully is an impossibility. But you know that his kindness and mercy are the real reasons you must go through this. You know quite well that without God’s love for you, life as we know it would be completely hopeless. Also, you want everyone to understand this incredible love. You want everyone to recognize Jesus’s undeserved mercy. Christianity is like oxygen for a healthy body.

Stay on the lookout and be consistent in your prayers for the world’s Christians. Prayer is good for us; we should do it often without stopping. We could feel obligated to do it, but there are many valid reasons to delay.

We may give up praying or start to question the value of doing so. A new Christian’s first prayers have the tone of a conversation with a close friend since they are written in everyday language. When speaking to God, they don’t raise their voices or use special “theological” language. It’s a shame we couldn’t keep our childlike wonder as we progressed. Surely God likes to hear our naiveté when we talk to him.

Praying without ceasing to help us grow spiritually, just like any other discipline that one is consistent at. There’s no one right way to start, and self-focused prayers are perfectly OK. However, when we cultivate the habit of praying, we will see a shift in the focal point of our lives. As a result of this change, our prayers will no longer be just about ourselves but about God and the people around us. When praying, we should always remember the following:

  1. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we learn that prayer is a moral imperative.
  2. God is pleased when we pray. John 14:13
  • Happy people pray. James 5:16
  1. We pray in Jesus’ name. John 14:13.
  2. God-centered petitions. Matthew 21:22
  3. Praying for God’s will to be done. John 5:14
  • The power of prayer may be seen in; James 5:16

Ephesians 6:13-18 details the “Armor of God” that Paul instructs us to put on. Someone who hasn’t done what’s necessary to keep himself alive won’t benefit from wearing a belt of truth, putting on a helmet of salvation, or wielding a sword of the Spirit. We could not go into battle even if we wore all of this armor. Breathe!

Praying is as essential to a Christ-life follower as breathing is to virtually all things on earth. Moderate signs of oxygen deprivation include forgetfulness, slowed processing speed, decreased judgment and coordination, and an increased heart rate. If oxygen levels drop too low for too long, seizures, comas, and even brain death may occur. Envision yourself in battle, fully clad in God’s armor, yet unable to think clearly, making poor decisions, stumbling about, and eventually falling. You’d be dead in no time! Prayer should be as natural to us as breathing since it is to God’s children.

Every moment of the day requires that I keep God at the forefront of my mind and discuss my concerns with him. If I “pray without stopping,” I will be better able to make hard choices and face my enemies. “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

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