I have just had the opportunity to listen to a powerful speaker. Some of you may have heard of Pastor Duane VanderKlok of Resurrection Life Church in Grand Rapids. He has had a television show for many years, and I’ve been blessed to hear him speak several times.
Tonight’s message was perfect for me to hear. (We should never skip an opportunity to hear a fresh word from God. Especially when you’re building something and really need to hear from Him!)
His message tonight was about having ‘Mega Faith’ like the Syro-Phoenician woman in Matthew 15.
She came to Jesus seeking his help with her daughter. She believed that Jesus could help and persisted in asking him for that help when he ignored her and even when he outright denied her.
Finally, he told her she had ‘Great Faith’ and answered her prayer.
He didn’t say, ‘You have worn me down with your nagging’ or ‘I’ll do it just to shut you up.’ He told her she had Great Faith!

Why is that so important?
Hebrews 11:6 reads: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
When you pray for your business, you must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him!
Well, the ‘exists’ part should come pretty easy to us as believers ;)
But do you really believe that he rewards those who earnestly seek him? Or do you pray as if you were playing the lotto and may or may not win?
I’ve heard friends say, ‘Well, let’s pray about it and see if God does something about the situation.”
Change that up and approach prayer time with confidence!
And keep your faith strong after you finish praying. What you DO after you pray tells God what you believe about Him.
For example…
If you pray for God’s provision, then spend the rest of the day complaining about the need of others – you’re demonstrating a lack of faith in His ability to provide what you need.
Pray. Listen. Stand in Faith. Listen. Speak life over your business at all times. And Listen!
Next time, I’ll share several powerful prayers and biblical affirmations that you can use to practice speaking life over your business and to keep your words in line with your prayers!
July 23, 2022
Stretching Your Faith—Without Faith, Prayer Falls Flat
I have just had the opportunity to listen to a powerful speaker. Some of you may have heard of Pastor Duane VanderKlok of Resurrection Life Church in Grand Rapids. He has had a television show for many years, and I’ve been blessed to hear him speak several times.
Tonight’s message was perfect for me to hear. (We should never skip an opportunity to hear a fresh word from God. Especially when you’re building something and really need to hear from Him!)
His message tonight was about having ‘Mega Faith’ like the Syro-Phoenician woman in Matthew 15.
She came to Jesus seeking his help with her daughter. She believed that Jesus could help and persisted in asking him for that help when he ignored her and even when he outright denied her.
Finally, he told her she had ‘Great Faith’ and answered her prayer.
He didn’t say, ‘You have worn me down with your nagging’ or ‘I’ll do it just to shut you up.’ He told her she had Great Faith!

Why is that so important?
Hebrews 11:6 reads: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
When you pray for your business, you must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him!
Well, the ‘exists’ part should come pretty easy to us as believers ;)
But do you really believe that he rewards those who earnestly seek him? Or do you pray as if you were playing the lotto and may or may not win?
I’ve heard friends say, ‘Well, let’s pray about it and see if God does something about the situation.”
Change that up and approach prayer time with confidence!
And keep your faith strong after you finish praying. What you DO after you pray tells God what you believe about Him.
For example…
If you pray for God’s provision, then spend the rest of the day complaining about the need of others – you’re demonstrating a lack of faith in His ability to provide what you need.
Pray. Listen. Stand in Faith. Listen. Speak life over your business at all times. And Listen!
Next time, I’ll share several powerful prayers and biblical affirmations that you can use to practice speaking life over your business and to keep your words in line with your prayers!
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