A home is a place where the light of God is meant to be expressed first before shinning out brightly in society. So, as a Christian, your home should be marked for God and reflect Jesus in everything you do – including how you raise your children. It needs to be evident that Christ is alive there. However, most Christians often wonder about how difficult the task is, but in this article, you will learn the principle behind building a God-honoring home.

What is God Honoring Home
God-honoring home is the habitation where the family (father, mother, and children) has made God’s word their final authority. In simple terms, a God-honoring home is placing absolute honor to God within your household. Building a God-honoring home is not as difficult as it sounds because it entails making God- His will, His desires, His Word the center of your family.
What Does a God-honoring Home Look Like?
Ideally, your houses should be places of worship, rather than just a structure where family members eat, sleep, and play. A God-honoring home should have the following;
- Love for God and His word
- Love for one another
- Peace within the family
- Absence of injustice
- Unity and division of labor
- Prosperity
These are only a few evident structures that demonstrate what a God-honoring home should look like.
Principles on How to Build God Honoring Home
Here are several practical steps for building godly homes and ministering to our family’s well-being:
Principle 1: It Begins with Godly Marriages
It is very important to start with a correct understanding of the institution of marriage. Marriage is a covenant of God, an idea of God, not just a good idea that came to someone’s mind. Marriage is not a contract signed by two individuals just to meet their selfish gain. A correct understanding of marriage is the bedrock of building a God-honoring home.
Principle 2: Making the Word of God Absolute
A marriage where the word of God is considered the absolute and guide is a God-honoring home. We currently live in a world where different philosophies and traditions of men do not bring glory to God. But when your family is patiently heading to the word of God, it brings down heavenly blessings on the family.
Principle 3: Parents are responsible for the education of godly children
There is nothing more important than raising children in love with God. It’s not just a divine call; it’s a command. The word says, “Train up a child at the beginning of his journey: he will not shy away from it when he is old” (Proverbs 22:6). In addition, a Christian couple should always remember that they have a personal responsibility, as parents, to raise and nurture their children in love for the Lord. So many couples are abdicating this responsibility and seeking to assign it to their church leaders or communities. The influence of others may be beneficial, but this does not negate the responsibility of parents before God.
Principle 4: Family Prayer
A popular saying goes like this— a family that prays together stays together. Parents should pray both together and with their children. The importance of such a “family altar” cannot be exaggerated. Children should not grow up in an environment where family prayer is not a natural part of family life. A family’s life in intimacy with God should never be underestimated, and it is the foundation of a strong family in a godless world. Families who pray, overcome difficulties and grow together stay together and shine like a bright light in a dark and distorted world.
Principle 5: Discipline in a Godly Family
Discipleship is a life of obedience to God’s will and purposes. Many people find it difficult to live in obedience to God unless they were originally trained to obey their parents. People often equate discipline with punishment, but they are not identical. A husband and wife should be like-minded about the discipline they impose on their family to ensure safety and protection. Punishment should be resorted to only when children have grossly disobeyed the clear instructions of their parents about whether or not to do something.
Principle 6: Maintaining the Right Relationship
One important family value we have formed to maintain order is that we do not quarrel or behave badly towards each other. A child learns from an early age to resolve conflicts with the right attitude. We often discussed controversial issues and prayed for them at the “family altar,” which is how they were settled.
Principle 7: Practice Biblical Love
Unlike the romantic, emotional love depicted in Hollywood films, Biblical love is not romantic or emotional. It has a strong desire to act, and it has no conditions attached to it. Just like Jesus did for us on the Cross, this is the same type of love we should have for one another in the family. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Principle 8: Teach Your Kids The Word of God
Immediately after delivering his sermon to the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land, Moses exhorts them to love and obey the Lord; He also issues an order to parents to instill the same values in their offspring. The same principle still applies today. You need to teach your children the word of God, and you can share the struggle and fears you have when growing up. Using a daily schedule of Bible reading, we can teach our children about God’s love, and they are to reciprocate to God (Deuteronomy 6:6).
Principle 9: Fill Your Home with Praise and Worship
The power of music cannot be understated. It’s even more potent when it’s laced with Scripture and aims to keep us rooted in God’s Word. It reminds us of who we are concerning God, focuses our attention on the correct things, and aids in retaining truth.
Kids will love playing with their toy instruments, so get one for yours. Gather your family for a time of prayer and worship. In your home, whether it’s contemporary praise and worship music like “Amazing Love” or a traditional hymn-like “Amazing Grace,” play them frequently.
Principle 10: Decorate your home With God’s Promises
Remember is one of the most common biblical instructions. Remember all that God has done in your life and how grateful you are. Keep Him in mind at all times, and keep in mind that God is always present. But it’s easy to forget. Repeating Scripture is a good approach to fight off our forgetful thoughts.
God gave the Israelites the instruction in Deuteronomy 9 to write His laws on the doorposts of their houses. When we decorate our homes with verses that speak of His love, truth, grace, and faithfulness, we are honoring Him. You can frame certain scriptures for your sons and daughters and hang them by their beds in their respective bedrooms. This serves as a potent reminder of who they are and what God has done for them.
In conclusion, to build a home that honors God, one must follow and apply the different principles. This is a way of achieving peace, love, prosperity, unity in your family.
March 14, 2022
Ten Principle of Building a God Honoring Home
A home is a place where the light of God is meant to be expressed first before shinning out brightly in society. So, as a Christian, your home should be marked for God and reflect Jesus in everything you do – including how you raise your children. It needs to be evident that Christ is alive there. However, most Christians often wonder about how difficult the task is, but in this article, you will learn the principle behind building a God-honoring home.

What is God Honoring Home
God-honoring home is the habitation where the family (father, mother, and children) has made God’s word their final authority. In simple terms, a God-honoring home is placing absolute honor to God within your household. Building a God-honoring home is not as difficult as it sounds because it entails making God- His will, His desires, His Word the center of your family.
What Does a God-honoring Home Look Like?
Ideally, your houses should be places of worship, rather than just a structure where family members eat, sleep, and play. A God-honoring home should have the following;
- Love for God and His word
- Love for one another
- Peace within the family
- Absence of injustice
- Unity and division of labor
- Prosperity
These are only a few evident structures that demonstrate what a God-honoring home should look like.
Principles on How to Build God Honoring Home
Here are several practical steps for building godly homes and ministering to our family’s well-being:
Principle 1: It Begins with Godly Marriages
It is very important to start with a correct understanding of the institution of marriage. Marriage is a covenant of God, an idea of God, not just a good idea that came to someone’s mind. Marriage is not a contract signed by two individuals just to meet their selfish gain. A correct understanding of marriage is the bedrock of building a God-honoring home.
Principle 2: Making the Word of God Absolute
A marriage where the word of God is considered the absolute and guide is a God-honoring home. We currently live in a world where different philosophies and traditions of men do not bring glory to God. But when your family is patiently heading to the word of God, it brings down heavenly blessings on the family.
Principle 3: Parents are responsible for the education of godly children
There is nothing more important than raising children in love with God. It’s not just a divine call; it’s a command. The word says, “Train up a child at the beginning of his journey: he will not shy away from it when he is old” (Proverbs 22:6). In addition, a Christian couple should always remember that they have a personal responsibility, as parents, to raise and nurture their children in love for the Lord. So many couples are abdicating this responsibility and seeking to assign it to their church leaders or communities. The influence of others may be beneficial, but this does not negate the responsibility of parents before God.
Principle 4: Family Prayer
A popular saying goes like this— a family that prays together stays together. Parents should pray both together and with their children. The importance of such a “family altar” cannot be exaggerated. Children should not grow up in an environment where family prayer is not a natural part of family life. A family’s life in intimacy with God should never be underestimated, and it is the foundation of a strong family in a godless world. Families who pray, overcome difficulties and grow together stay together and shine like a bright light in a dark and distorted world.
Principle 5: Discipline in a Godly Family
Discipleship is a life of obedience to God’s will and purposes. Many people find it difficult to live in obedience to God unless they were originally trained to obey their parents. People often equate discipline with punishment, but they are not identical. A husband and wife should be like-minded about the discipline they impose on their family to ensure safety and protection. Punishment should be resorted to only when children have grossly disobeyed the clear instructions of their parents about whether or not to do something.
Principle 6: Maintaining the Right Relationship
One important family value we have formed to maintain order is that we do not quarrel or behave badly towards each other. A child learns from an early age to resolve conflicts with the right attitude. We often discussed controversial issues and prayed for them at the “family altar,” which is how they were settled.
Principle 7: Practice Biblical Love
Unlike the romantic, emotional love depicted in Hollywood films, Biblical love is not romantic or emotional. It has a strong desire to act, and it has no conditions attached to it. Just like Jesus did for us on the Cross, this is the same type of love we should have for one another in the family. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Principle 8: Teach Your Kids The Word of God
Immediately after delivering his sermon to the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land, Moses exhorts them to love and obey the Lord; He also issues an order to parents to instill the same values in their offspring. The same principle still applies today. You need to teach your children the word of God, and you can share the struggle and fears you have when growing up. Using a daily schedule of Bible reading, we can teach our children about God’s love, and they are to reciprocate to God (Deuteronomy 6:6).
Principle 9: Fill Your Home with Praise and Worship
The power of music cannot be understated. It’s even more potent when it’s laced with Scripture and aims to keep us rooted in God’s Word. It reminds us of who we are concerning God, focuses our attention on the correct things, and aids in retaining truth.
Kids will love playing with their toy instruments, so get one for yours. Gather your family for a time of prayer and worship. In your home, whether it’s contemporary praise and worship music like “Amazing Love” or a traditional hymn-like “Amazing Grace,” play them frequently.
Principle 10: Decorate your home With God’s Promises
Remember is one of the most common biblical instructions. Remember all that God has done in your life and how grateful you are. Keep Him in mind at all times, and keep in mind that God is always present. But it’s easy to forget. Repeating Scripture is a good approach to fight off our forgetful thoughts.
God gave the Israelites the instruction in Deuteronomy 9 to write His laws on the doorposts of their houses. When we decorate our homes with verses that speak of His love, truth, grace, and faithfulness, we are honoring Him. You can frame certain scriptures for your sons and daughters and hang them by their beds in their respective bedrooms. This serves as a potent reminder of who they are and what God has done for them.
In conclusion, to build a home that honors God, one must follow and apply the different principles. This is a way of achieving peace, love, prosperity, unity in your family.
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