February 27, 2022

The Blessed Man

There has been a lot of confusion on the subject of blessing. Most people think that the blessing of God is tied to only physical possession or financial increase. Others think that a blessed man is one who has given his life to Christ. For a few sects of Christians, a blessed man is one who can organize their family properly. The truth is that all these different ideas are not wrong in themselves, but they are not the accurate definition of the blessed man. This article will expose you to the true definition of a blessed man from a scriptural perspective.

The Blessed Man 2

Who is a Blessed Man?

This question has been one of the most asked queries among young believers, as they are looking for the standard of being blessed. To properly know what a blessed man is, here is the breakdown;

  1. A blessed man can not be found outside Christ. It is important to note that a blessed man has not taken any partnership. Most people often believe that someone who has material possessions and goes to church is a blessed man. The truth is that not everyone in the church has genuinely accepted the Lordship of Christ.
  2. A blessed man is not defined by his possession. Jesus Christ, in one of his sermons, advised his disciples to “Keep yourselves from all covetousness, for a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of the things which he possesses (Luke 12:15).” As believers, you are not recognized in the kingdom based on your material possessions.
  3. A blessed man responds to the call of the master. Contrary to the unbelievers who think they are the master of them all. A blessed man in the kingdom is one who listens and obeys the call of the master at all times.
  4. A blessed man does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly. One of the ways of measuring a blessed man is his association and the people he takes counsel from. Most time, people follow the advice of unbelievers, which became their ruins.
  5. A blessed man is not found among the sinners. This does not mean a believer can not relate with an unbeliever. Instead, as a blessed man, you do not find yourself involved in the activities that give the unbeliever pleasure. For example, as a believer, you can not be involved in shady deals like drugs and alcohol.
  6. A blessed man takes delight in the word of God. The delight of every man who is blessed according to the ways of the kingdom is in the word. The word is the lamp unto the feet and a light unto the path of a blessed man (Psalm 119:105).
  7. A blessed man is a fulfilled

Abraham; A Blessed Man

Abraham is the typical example of a blessed man from scripture. Here are some stories learned from his life. Abraham’s life also shows us that those who obey God with a simple heart are blessed. When God asked Abraham to leave his family, He did. When he asked him to sacrifice Isaac, he “got up early in the morning” to do so. The biblical account does not mention any hesitation on Abraham’s part. Although these choices certainly broke his heart, but that didn’t stop him from taking action when the time came. Thus, a blessed man should be able to discern God’s call or read His instructions in His Word and must act. Obedience is not an option when God asks a blessed man to do something.

Abraham also teaches us what a living relationship with God is. He did not hesitate to obey but was also not afraid to ask questions. He believed that God would give him and his wife Sarah, a son, but he wondered how that would be possible (Genesis 17:17-23). In Genesis 18, he intercedes with God for Sodom and Gomorrah and tells him that a holy and just God cannot destroy the righteous with sinners, and then asks him to spare sinful cities if he finds even fifty righteous people, a number he will lower to ten.

In fact, while there weren’t even ten, God still spared Abraham’s nephew Lot and his family (Genesis 19). It is interesting to note that God revealed his plans to Abraham before destroying these two cities and that his questions did not catch the latter off guard. His example shows us how to interact with God regarding His plans, intercede for others, fulfil God’s righteousness, and submit to His will.

Another lesson learned from the life of Abraham is that he is able to rule over his family and teach them the ways of God. This was seen in the life of Isaac, as he grew up to know the Lord. Therefore, a blessed man is known for his ability to carter for his family and teach his family the ways of the Lord.

Experiencing God’s Blessing

Christ dwells in every believer as the all-inclusive Spirit, and as such, a believer can experience it in a personal and subjective way by contacting Him in their minds. You can pray, invoke His name, and read His Word as a believer. By simply turning to Christ in your minds talking to Him throughout the day, you can rejoice in Him as your rich portion.

Pursuing Christ, the True Blessing

Most people believe that God’s blessing is primarily about material things. If you observe closely, they spend all their time praying and asking God for material things, and they don’t receive them. Sometimes, you begin to wonder if God is fair to them. But the truth is that they have missed the point of prayer and more abundant blessing. The true blessing is found in pursuing Christ. The blessing is not found in the material acquisition but in Christ. You can lose everything like Job, but with Christ, you have not lost anything and can recover them all. But when you lose Christ, and you still have your physical possession, it is only a matter of time before you begin to lose everything you own.

In conclusion, the blessed man is one who has placed everything; his life, possessions, family, and relationship at the feet of Jesus Christ. He believes in the word of God and makes it the final authority of His life.

February 27, 2022

The Blessed Man

There has been a lot of confusion on the subject of blessing. Most people think that the blessing of God is tied to only physical possession or financial increase. Others think that a blessed man is one who has given his life to Christ. For a few sects of Christians, a blessed man is one who can organize their family properly. The truth is that all these different ideas are not wrong in themselves, but they are not the accurate definition of the blessed man. This article will expose you to the true definition of a blessed man from a scriptural perspective.

The Blessed Man 2

Who is a Blessed Man?

This question has been one of the most asked queries among young believers, as they are looking for the standard of being blessed. To properly know what a blessed man is, here is the breakdown;

  1. A blessed man can not be found outside Christ. It is important to note that a blessed man has not taken any partnership. Most people often believe that someone who has material possessions and goes to church is a blessed man. The truth is that not everyone in the church has genuinely accepted the Lordship of Christ.
  2. A blessed man is not defined by his possession. Jesus Christ, in one of his sermons, advised his disciples to “Keep yourselves from all covetousness, for a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of the things which he possesses (Luke 12:15).” As believers, you are not recognized in the kingdom based on your material possessions.
  3. A blessed man responds to the call of the master. Contrary to the unbelievers who think they are the master of them all. A blessed man in the kingdom is one who listens and obeys the call of the master at all times.
  4. A blessed man does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly. One of the ways of measuring a blessed man is his association and the people he takes counsel from. Most time, people follow the advice of unbelievers, which became their ruins.
  5. A blessed man is not found among the sinners. This does not mean a believer can not relate with an unbeliever. Instead, as a blessed man, you do not find yourself involved in the activities that give the unbeliever pleasure. For example, as a believer, you can not be involved in shady deals like drugs and alcohol.
  6. A blessed man takes delight in the word of God. The delight of every man who is blessed according to the ways of the kingdom is in the word. The word is the lamp unto the feet and a light unto the path of a blessed man (Psalm 119:105).
  7. A blessed man is a fulfilled

Abraham; A Blessed Man

Abraham is the typical example of a blessed man from scripture. Here are some stories learned from his life. Abraham’s life also shows us that those who obey God with a simple heart are blessed. When God asked Abraham to leave his family, He did. When he asked him to sacrifice Isaac, he “got up early in the morning” to do so. The biblical account does not mention any hesitation on Abraham’s part. Although these choices certainly broke his heart, but that didn’t stop him from taking action when the time came. Thus, a blessed man should be able to discern God’s call or read His instructions in His Word and must act. Obedience is not an option when God asks a blessed man to do something.

Abraham also teaches us what a living relationship with God is. He did not hesitate to obey but was also not afraid to ask questions. He believed that God would give him and his wife Sarah, a son, but he wondered how that would be possible (Genesis 17:17-23). In Genesis 18, he intercedes with God for Sodom and Gomorrah and tells him that a holy and just God cannot destroy the righteous with sinners, and then asks him to spare sinful cities if he finds even fifty righteous people, a number he will lower to ten.

In fact, while there weren’t even ten, God still spared Abraham’s nephew Lot and his family (Genesis 19). It is interesting to note that God revealed his plans to Abraham before destroying these two cities and that his questions did not catch the latter off guard. His example shows us how to interact with God regarding His plans, intercede for others, fulfil God’s righteousness, and submit to His will.

Another lesson learned from the life of Abraham is that he is able to rule over his family and teach them the ways of God. This was seen in the life of Isaac, as he grew up to know the Lord. Therefore, a blessed man is known for his ability to carter for his family and teach his family the ways of the Lord.

Experiencing God’s Blessing

Christ dwells in every believer as the all-inclusive Spirit, and as such, a believer can experience it in a personal and subjective way by contacting Him in their minds. You can pray, invoke His name, and read His Word as a believer. By simply turning to Christ in your minds talking to Him throughout the day, you can rejoice in Him as your rich portion.

Pursuing Christ, the True Blessing

Most people believe that God’s blessing is primarily about material things. If you observe closely, they spend all their time praying and asking God for material things, and they don’t receive them. Sometimes, you begin to wonder if God is fair to them. But the truth is that they have missed the point of prayer and more abundant blessing. The true blessing is found in pursuing Christ. The blessing is not found in the material acquisition but in Christ. You can lose everything like Job, but with Christ, you have not lost anything and can recover them all. But when you lose Christ, and you still have your physical possession, it is only a matter of time before you begin to lose everything you own.

In conclusion, the blessed man is one who has placed everything; his life, possessions, family, and relationship at the feet of Jesus Christ. He believes in the word of God and makes it the final authority of His life.

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