March 29, 2022

The Irrefutable Law of Leadership

Due to the growing ranks of companies and other hierarchical positions, people tend to confuse the term leadership. Most times, they view leaders as people who have been elder to them. All of these have culminated in a wrong perspective of the term leadership. However, in this article, you shall be learning about leadership and some irrefutable laws to become the best leader of the 21st century.

The Irrefutable Law of Leadership 2

What is Leadership?

Leadership is the ability to motivate, inspire and empower others to become the best version of themselves. A Leader is someone who can translate vision to reality. He has certain traits such as responsiveness, patience, integrity, communication, confidence, empathy, accountability, creativity, passion, etc.

Laws of Leadership?

Everything on earth is governed by law; we have the law of gravitation, attraction, etc. These laws are put in place to ensure order — So, is the law of leadership. Here are some of the irrefutable laws of leadership:

The Law of the Lid:

This is the first law that most people tend to confuse. This law simply states a limitation to your potential as a leader. However, as you grow yourself and your abilities in leadership, your capacity increases as well as your influence. If you decide not to grow, you will stagnate, and your influence will not grow otherwise. So, your leadership ability determines your level of effectiveness.

The Law of Influence:

The simple meaning of influence is the ability to command the respect of others to achieve a common goal. For leadership to be regarded as true leadership, there must be influencing of followers, nothing more or nothing less. It is the power of influence that makes leaders achieve the common goal. It is important to note that the leader will be unable to achieve anything meaningful without influence.

The Law of Process:

Another important law that leaders need to follow is the law of process. Everything about leadership follows certain laid down rules and processes. Leaders are not only at the forefront of steering followers, but they are also learners. It is important to note that every learning process is ongoing, and the end result is knowledge, self-discipline and perseverance.

The Law of Navigation:

Every ship on the sea not only need to be steered but need to be charted on the right course. An irrefutable leader can direct people in the right course or location. According to John Maxwell, “If the leader can’t navigate the people through rough waters, he is liable to sink the ship.”

The Law of Addition:

As earlier stated, a leader is not someone who wants to sit down in a big office and wants enslaved people or servants all around him. Instead, a leader is someone who adds value to other people in several forms. True leaders are people who are always looking for ways to serve others and create value. It has been shown that true leaders always have the habit of asking others how they may serve others well, as their focus is on the betterment of others.

The Law of Solid Ground:

The solid ground simply means the right character or attitude of a leader. It is important to note that every leader needs to be trusted by their followers. However, a leader needs to display certain solid ground (character) such as discipline, honesty, integrity, and authenticity to build trust. As a leader, you need to be authentic as much as possible and be truthful all the time. Discipline is simply doing what needs to be done, whether pleasing or not.

The Law of Respect:

There is a common saying that respect is reciprocal. This means that you need to respect every member of your team accordingly for you to be respected. This is because people will automatically obey people with higher leadership skills and traits stronger than they possess. This law shows that people choosing leadership is never accidental but a deliberate assessment of certain leadership qualities. So, people will observe and obey leaders with strong leadership traits they admire and consider mostly.

The Law of Intuition:

Every great leader follows their intuition when it comes to taking a prudent decision that involves the team’s stake. It is important to note that leaders must develop their intuition to be sensitive to it at all times. In simple terms, intuition means the ability to perceive or listen to your inner thought. The top organization has achieved great results because they have true leaders who can trust their intuition at certain times to steer the company aright during tough times.

The Law of Magnetism:

The law of magnet simply states that you will be attracted to more followers and new leaders. For example, a tree will grow and bring out more fruit depending on the tree’s roots in the system of thr tree. So, for you to attract more followers, you need to attract yourself to powerful leaders, and leaders who want to be a great need to attract themselves to great leaders.

The Law of Connection:

Connection is joining two things together to achieve fluency. For example, you can join two pipes together to pass out water. So, establishing a cordial connection with your followers is very important when leading them. It would be best if you connected with them emotionally at all times to ensure that their well-being is your concern. More to it is that you need to connect to those above you for upliftment and advice at certain times. According to John Maxwell, “A leader must touch the hearts of their followers, before they can ask for their hands.”

The Law of the Inner Circle:

The law of inner circle state that your inner circle is directly proportional to the success of your leadership. When leading, you are expected to have inner circles who have your best interest and give advice at certain times. One of the greatest quotes about the inner circle is from Mother Teresa, saying, “You can do what I can’t do, and I can do what you can’t do. Together we can do great things.

The Law of Empowerment:

The law of empowerment means that as a leader, you must empower your follower in several forms, e.g., knowledge, positions, and trust. Thus, empowerment is giving others the power or opportunity to sever the crew members correctly. To empower others, you must trust in their abilities.

In conclusion, leadership requires a lot, and to make your team as successful as possible; you need to apply the following laws as it ensures your success.

March 29, 2022

The Irrefutable Law of Leadership

Due to the growing ranks of companies and other hierarchical positions, people tend to confuse the term leadership. Most times, they view leaders as people who have been elder to them. All of these have culminated in a wrong perspective of the term leadership. However, in this article, you shall be learning about leadership and some irrefutable laws to become the best leader of the 21st century.

The Irrefutable Law of Leadership 2

What is Leadership?

Leadership is the ability to motivate, inspire and empower others to become the best version of themselves. A Leader is someone who can translate vision to reality. He has certain traits such as responsiveness, patience, integrity, communication, confidence, empathy, accountability, creativity, passion, etc.

Laws of Leadership?

Everything on earth is governed by law; we have the law of gravitation, attraction, etc. These laws are put in place to ensure order — So, is the law of leadership. Here are some of the irrefutable laws of leadership:

The Law of the Lid:

This is the first law that most people tend to confuse. This law simply states a limitation to your potential as a leader. However, as you grow yourself and your abilities in leadership, your capacity increases as well as your influence. If you decide not to grow, you will stagnate, and your influence will not grow otherwise. So, your leadership ability determines your level of effectiveness.

The Law of Influence:

The simple meaning of influence is the ability to command the respect of others to achieve a common goal. For leadership to be regarded as true leadership, there must be influencing of followers, nothing more or nothing less. It is the power of influence that makes leaders achieve the common goal. It is important to note that the leader will be unable to achieve anything meaningful without influence.

The Law of Process:

Another important law that leaders need to follow is the law of process. Everything about leadership follows certain laid down rules and processes. Leaders are not only at the forefront of steering followers, but they are also learners. It is important to note that every learning process is ongoing, and the end result is knowledge, self-discipline and perseverance.

The Law of Navigation:

Every ship on the sea not only need to be steered but need to be charted on the right course. An irrefutable leader can direct people in the right course or location. According to John Maxwell, “If the leader can’t navigate the people through rough waters, he is liable to sink the ship.”

The Law of Addition:

As earlier stated, a leader is not someone who wants to sit down in a big office and wants enslaved people or servants all around him. Instead, a leader is someone who adds value to other people in several forms. True leaders are people who are always looking for ways to serve others and create value. It has been shown that true leaders always have the habit of asking others how they may serve others well, as their focus is on the betterment of others.

The Law of Solid Ground:

The solid ground simply means the right character or attitude of a leader. It is important to note that every leader needs to be trusted by their followers. However, a leader needs to display certain solid ground (character) such as discipline, honesty, integrity, and authenticity to build trust. As a leader, you need to be authentic as much as possible and be truthful all the time. Discipline is simply doing what needs to be done, whether pleasing or not.

The Law of Respect:

There is a common saying that respect is reciprocal. This means that you need to respect every member of your team accordingly for you to be respected. This is because people will automatically obey people with higher leadership skills and traits stronger than they possess. This law shows that people choosing leadership is never accidental but a deliberate assessment of certain leadership qualities. So, people will observe and obey leaders with strong leadership traits they admire and consider mostly.

The Law of Intuition:

Every great leader follows their intuition when it comes to taking a prudent decision that involves the team’s stake. It is important to note that leaders must develop their intuition to be sensitive to it at all times. In simple terms, intuition means the ability to perceive or listen to your inner thought. The top organization has achieved great results because they have true leaders who can trust their intuition at certain times to steer the company aright during tough times.

The Law of Magnetism:

The law of magnet simply states that you will be attracted to more followers and new leaders. For example, a tree will grow and bring out more fruit depending on the tree’s roots in the system of thr tree. So, for you to attract more followers, you need to attract yourself to powerful leaders, and leaders who want to be a great need to attract themselves to great leaders.

The Law of Connection:

Connection is joining two things together to achieve fluency. For example, you can join two pipes together to pass out water. So, establishing a cordial connection with your followers is very important when leading them. It would be best if you connected with them emotionally at all times to ensure that their well-being is your concern. More to it is that you need to connect to those above you for upliftment and advice at certain times. According to John Maxwell, “A leader must touch the hearts of their followers, before they can ask for their hands.”

The Law of the Inner Circle:

The law of inner circle state that your inner circle is directly proportional to the success of your leadership. When leading, you are expected to have inner circles who have your best interest and give advice at certain times. One of the greatest quotes about the inner circle is from Mother Teresa, saying, “You can do what I can’t do, and I can do what you can’t do. Together we can do great things.

The Law of Empowerment:

The law of empowerment means that as a leader, you must empower your follower in several forms, e.g., knowledge, positions, and trust. Thus, empowerment is giving others the power or opportunity to sever the crew members correctly. To empower others, you must trust in their abilities.

In conclusion, leadership requires a lot, and to make your team as successful as possible; you need to apply the following laws as it ensures your success.

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