March 29, 2022

The Law of Knowledge

The word knowledge was used several times in scripture. In surface meaning, knowledge means to understand a concept or recognition or know something. As a believer, we rise in the kingdom as a result of the light inside of us. In this article, you shall learn about the law of knowledge and how to apply it daily.

The Law of Knowledge 2

What is Knowledge According to Scripture

In simple terms, knowledge means information gained as a result of the reasoning of people, or their experience. While the application of knowledge is known as wisdom. But according to scripture, knowledge means the fear of the Lord. The first time the word knowledge occurs in scripture is in Genesis 2:9.

Types of Knowledge

There are different forms of knowledge and they are as follows:

  1. Godly or Spiritual Knowledge
  2. Evil Knowledge
  3. Human Knowledge

Spiritual knowledge:

This is the knowledge that comes from God only. Fear of God may open a man’s heart, allowing him to grow in godly knowledge, insight, and wisdom. As a new testament believer, spiritual knowledge is the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Godly or spiritual knowledge differs from other forms of knowledge in that the basis of the knowledge is from the spiritual realm. Spiritual knowledge comes from;

  • Directly from God
  • Revelation from scripture
  • Inspiration of the Holy Spirit

Evil Knowledge:

This is a form of knowledge that comes to corrupt the innocence and virtue of the possessor. This knowledge primarily is against the nature of God as it opposes standing alright. The knowledge of evil is sponsored by Satan and his cohort and the agenda is to corrupt, kill and destroy.

Human Knowledge:

This type of knowledge results from the intelligence of man. It can be gotten either from extensive research, critical thinking, or suggestions. Human knowledge usually involves man’s mind and his ability to reason properly. This form of knowledge is only functional in the earth realm.

Why Is Knowledge Important for Christians?

There are several reasons why knowledge is important for believers. Here are a few highlighted reasons:

  • As a believer, knowledge arms you with the requisite understanding of who you are in Christ. It is through the knowledge you are able to recognize your identity in Christ.
  • As a believer, knowledge arms you with the power to defeat your adversary. The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. However, with knowledge, you can always know how to enforce your victory (2 Corinthians 2:11). One of the schemes Satan uses to defeat believers is to blind them from the truth.
  • It is through knowledge that spiritual character is built in the believer. In Philippians 1:9, the Bible says that believers’ love should keep on abounding and growing in knowledge and discernment (Philippians 1:9).
  • There is transformative works that occur as a result of knowledge and understanding among believers. This is because it is through the scriptures that God transforms believers when they renew their minds (Romans 12:2). According to D.L. Moody, the Bible “was not given for our information but for our transformation.” Man’s thoughts and ways are not naturally God’s thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:8). Man’s thoughts need to be “filled with the knowledge of his will” (Colossians 1:9).
  • It is possible for Christians to identify and avoid false teaching while also rebuking it if they have knowledge and insight (2 Thessalonians 3:14; 2 John 1:10; 1 Timothy 5:19-20; 6:3-5).
  • As they instruct others, Christians will gain information and insight that will help them. Christians are more qualified to teach, coach, and counsel others the deeper their comprehension of God’s Word, will, and ways. Having biblical knowledge is advantageous to Christians, especially leaders since it helps them to teach and reprove others, correct them, and train them in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:17). In a world where there is so much folly, “Lips that transmit information are a rare gem,” as the proverbial saying goes (Proverbs 20:15b).

How Can We Grow in Knowledge and Understanding?

Peter exhorted believers to continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. It is undeniably true that daily Bible reading, study, and meditation are excellent places to begin. Furthermore, just as Christians might pray to God for wisdom, they can also pray to God to direct them to books, sermons, podcasts, and other resources that will help them grow in spiritual knowledge.

When anything in the Bible doesn’t make sense, it is possible for Christians to put statements and arguments to the test and to “hold fast” to what they believe to be superior knowledge and biblical practice in the face of opposition. Digging deeper into the Word and comparing Scripture with Scripture (while being cautious not to take passages out of context) may often uncover truths that would have been missed with a superficial reading.

A large number of Christians have also realized that fasting helps them learn more effectively by making them more sensitive to what God is trying to teach them via their circumstances. Perhaps suffering will help people to develop a more profound sense of connection with Christ. The development of a Christian’s knowledge and understanding will occur as a result of his or her learning to “dwell in the Spirit”—that is, to submit to His or her control—because the Holy Spirit is the Christian’s most important teacher.

Those who are faithful to God’s Word and who seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be aided in developing the “mind of Christ” via the reading of the Bible. Although the Christian must embrace rather than reject the Lord’s means of learning sound knowledge, it is the Christian’s responsibility to do so.

Can a Person Have Too Much Knowledge?

Despite Solomon’s observation that “there is no end to the production of numerous books, and lengthy study tires out the body,” education is not futile, as he explains. “The accumulation of knowledge is not nearly as important as the fear of and devotion to God,” Solomon wrote (Ecclesiastes 12:12-13). As a role model for us, Jesus served as the perfect example. The spiritual training He had as a child, there is no doubt, played a significant role in his growth as a wise adult (Luke 2:52).

Academic activities and involvement should be directed by the attitudes of humility and love in one’s heart, regardless of the subject matter.

March 29, 2022

The Law of Knowledge

The word knowledge was used several times in scripture. In surface meaning, knowledge means to understand a concept or recognition or know something. As a believer, we rise in the kingdom as a result of the light inside of us. In this article, you shall learn about the law of knowledge and how to apply it daily.

The Law of Knowledge 2

What is Knowledge According to Scripture

In simple terms, knowledge means information gained as a result of the reasoning of people, or their experience. While the application of knowledge is known as wisdom. But according to scripture, knowledge means the fear of the Lord. The first time the word knowledge occurs in scripture is in Genesis 2:9.

Types of Knowledge

There are different forms of knowledge and they are as follows:

  1. Godly or Spiritual Knowledge
  2. Evil Knowledge
  3. Human Knowledge

Spiritual knowledge:

This is the knowledge that comes from God only. Fear of God may open a man’s heart, allowing him to grow in godly knowledge, insight, and wisdom. As a new testament believer, spiritual knowledge is the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Godly or spiritual knowledge differs from other forms of knowledge in that the basis of the knowledge is from the spiritual realm. Spiritual knowledge comes from;

  • Directly from God
  • Revelation from scripture
  • Inspiration of the Holy Spirit

Evil Knowledge:

This is a form of knowledge that comes to corrupt the innocence and virtue of the possessor. This knowledge primarily is against the nature of God as it opposes standing alright. The knowledge of evil is sponsored by Satan and his cohort and the agenda is to corrupt, kill and destroy.

Human Knowledge:

This type of knowledge results from the intelligence of man. It can be gotten either from extensive research, critical thinking, or suggestions. Human knowledge usually involves man’s mind and his ability to reason properly. This form of knowledge is only functional in the earth realm.

Why Is Knowledge Important for Christians?

There are several reasons why knowledge is important for believers. Here are a few highlighted reasons:

  • As a believer, knowledge arms you with the requisite understanding of who you are in Christ. It is through the knowledge you are able to recognize your identity in Christ.
  • As a believer, knowledge arms you with the power to defeat your adversary. The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. However, with knowledge, you can always know how to enforce your victory (2 Corinthians 2:11). One of the schemes Satan uses to defeat believers is to blind them from the truth.
  • It is through knowledge that spiritual character is built in the believer. In Philippians 1:9, the Bible says that believers’ love should keep on abounding and growing in knowledge and discernment (Philippians 1:9).
  • There is transformative works that occur as a result of knowledge and understanding among believers. This is because it is through the scriptures that God transforms believers when they renew their minds (Romans 12:2). According to D.L. Moody, the Bible “was not given for our information but for our transformation.” Man’s thoughts and ways are not naturally God’s thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:8). Man’s thoughts need to be “filled with the knowledge of his will” (Colossians 1:9).
  • It is possible for Christians to identify and avoid false teaching while also rebuking it if they have knowledge and insight (2 Thessalonians 3:14; 2 John 1:10; 1 Timothy 5:19-20; 6:3-5).
  • As they instruct others, Christians will gain information and insight that will help them. Christians are more qualified to teach, coach, and counsel others the deeper their comprehension of God’s Word, will, and ways. Having biblical knowledge is advantageous to Christians, especially leaders since it helps them to teach and reprove others, correct them, and train them in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:17). In a world where there is so much folly, “Lips that transmit information are a rare gem,” as the proverbial saying goes (Proverbs 20:15b).

How Can We Grow in Knowledge and Understanding?

Peter exhorted believers to continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. It is undeniably true that daily Bible reading, study, and meditation are excellent places to begin. Furthermore, just as Christians might pray to God for wisdom, they can also pray to God to direct them to books, sermons, podcasts, and other resources that will help them grow in spiritual knowledge.

When anything in the Bible doesn’t make sense, it is possible for Christians to put statements and arguments to the test and to “hold fast” to what they believe to be superior knowledge and biblical practice in the face of opposition. Digging deeper into the Word and comparing Scripture with Scripture (while being cautious not to take passages out of context) may often uncover truths that would have been missed with a superficial reading.

A large number of Christians have also realized that fasting helps them learn more effectively by making them more sensitive to what God is trying to teach them via their circumstances. Perhaps suffering will help people to develop a more profound sense of connection with Christ. The development of a Christian’s knowledge and understanding will occur as a result of his or her learning to “dwell in the Spirit”—that is, to submit to His or her control—because the Holy Spirit is the Christian’s most important teacher.

Those who are faithful to God’s Word and who seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be aided in developing the “mind of Christ” via the reading of the Bible. Although the Christian must embrace rather than reject the Lord’s means of learning sound knowledge, it is the Christian’s responsibility to do so.

Can a Person Have Too Much Knowledge?

Despite Solomon’s observation that “there is no end to the production of numerous books, and lengthy study tires out the body,” education is not futile, as he explains. “The accumulation of knowledge is not nearly as important as the fear of and devotion to God,” Solomon wrote (Ecclesiastes 12:12-13). As a role model for us, Jesus served as the perfect example. The spiritual training He had as a child, there is no doubt, played a significant role in his growth as a wise adult (Luke 2:52).

Academic activities and involvement should be directed by the attitudes of humility and love in one’s heart, regardless of the subject matter.

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