Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.
(Proverbs 18:21)
Positive confession is a term commonly used to mean speaking aloud things you want to happen in your life and expecting that God can make those expectations become physical manifestations. But positive confession covers much more than these, and it entails faith-filled confessions of God’s words and not merely a wish from fleshy desires. Positive confessions do not refer to confessing our sins either; confessing our sins are not positive confessions.
Just as there are positive confessions, there are also negative confessions, and these are as powerful as positive confessions. Even amid the most difficult woes, we are not to make negative declarations about our lives and families. You ought not to make a habit of confessing; hardships, poverty, illness, lack, death, failures, loss, tragedy, e.t.c. Go on to declare health, wealth, fortune, blessings, miracles, favor, e.t.c, just as God’s words say about you.

Who can make positive confessions?
From the definition of a positive confession, you can see that only believers in God can make Faith-filled declarations. The unbeliever cannot make these sorts of confessions. He would wish at best. An unbeliever’s words have little power on the Earth because he is still subject to the corruption and darkness in the Earth. He can only wish for a good and not necessarily command it
While for believers, the situation is entirely different. A believer is not subject to the elemental forces of darkness prevalent on the Earth, and even the principalities of the Earth recognize this truth. Positive confessions stem from faith in God’s word and are sustained by this same faith. Therefore, as believers, we have the utmost privilege of speaking faith-filled words that would never fall to the ground. Because our father has set laws in place that would always respond to or deliver to us the items our faith has ordered.
How should you make positive confessions?
We make positive confessions by studying God’s word to find these spirits breathe words. God calls you blessed, and he calls you favored, forgiven, redeemed, saved, justified, sanctified, e.t.c. You have to study God’s word to see the new names he calls you. To find the new roles and titles he has given you, thorough Bible study is inevitable. Do not stick with an outdated title or declare words amiss. For example, in the old testament, we find scripture that says God was angry at Israel and allowed their enemies to plunder them; now, God is no more angry at us because Jesus died. Diligent Bible study will keep you from assuming that God is still mad at you.
Secondly, we already have a blank cheque from our father, and we have to utilize it to meet our needs. You must realize and concur that God has given all things into your care and what you have to do is have faith in what God has said. Psalm 2:8 admonishes us to ask of God and be rest assured that he will give us the nations for our inheritance and even the ends of the Earth for our possession. So on God’s part, everything is already a done deal; you only need to be a believer and ask in faith. Faith is one of the most important ingredients in making positive confessions, and this means you have to grow your faith continually by creating more positive confessions.
Why should you make positive confessions?
The advantages of making positive confessions are enormous instead of what most people think. Some benefits and reasons why you should make positive confessions include:
- It Grows Faith In God
Making positive confessions helps us build our faith in God, in Romans the Apostle Paul makes us see that faith comes by hearing the word of God, so as we study the word more to find out more about our identity in Christ, we grow our faith in God. And as we remain at this persistently, we end up growing in confidence and understanding.
- We Please God
Hebrews 11 is the book of the bible most popular for discussing faith and how many saints before we have prevailed through faith. The Bible also clearly stated that without faith, it was impossible to please God. This tells us we need to know how greatly God values our faith in him. Like a truly committed and loyal lover, he wants us to trust that he has got our backs. Like a very responsible father, he does not want us second guessing his abilities to meet our every need.
- It Generates Confidence, And The Will To Take Action In Us.
How did you think Paul, Peter, e.t.c? Were able to face many tribulations and come out victoriously? Why do you think they kept advancing with the gospel even amid perils, sword, death, imprisonment, e.t.c. They could do all these through a bold declaration of God’s word. Surely they prayed, fasted, praised God, performed many spiritual edifying activities; however, they kept declaring all that Jesus had taught them.
The more they declared these things they found in the holy scriptures, the more they took actions confidently. The more they beheld the truth of God’s word, the more they pushed hard with the gospel. Nothing was strong enough to hinder them as they found the strength to act courageously in God’s word.
- We Exert Our Authority By Making These Confessions
In Numbers 14:28, the bible says, “say to them, ‘As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you”. This reinforces the truth that our lives reflect our words, and you would have what you say. Because if you have been making that confession long enough, your subconscious mind would also begin to work toward making it a reality. Speak via faith-filled confession all the miracles you would love to have in your life. Superimpose your inheritance in Christ over what the world chooses to present to you. Do not allow for things to happen by coincidence; consciously enforce your authority on the Earth.
- We Spread This Behaviour To Others
When you find your root in God’s word and grow your faith in him, you will always be able to stay above the pressures of life. When you can always remain above the challenges that clamp down on others, you will become a point of reference and pillar of support for others. You can influence others to imitate this new pattern of living by so doing.
Nothing beats a life characterized by faith in God and his word, and the Bible refers to this man as the one that pleases God. So, grow your faith by studying the word and making confessions that would save your life and that of others.
March 28, 2022
The Law of Positive Confessions
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.
(Proverbs 18:21)
Positive confession is a term commonly used to mean speaking aloud things you want to happen in your life and expecting that God can make those expectations become physical manifestations. But positive confession covers much more than these, and it entails faith-filled confessions of God’s words and not merely a wish from fleshy desires. Positive confessions do not refer to confessing our sins either; confessing our sins are not positive confessions.
Just as there are positive confessions, there are also negative confessions, and these are as powerful as positive confessions. Even amid the most difficult woes, we are not to make negative declarations about our lives and families. You ought not to make a habit of confessing; hardships, poverty, illness, lack, death, failures, loss, tragedy, e.t.c. Go on to declare health, wealth, fortune, blessings, miracles, favor, e.t.c, just as God’s words say about you.

Who can make positive confessions?
From the definition of a positive confession, you can see that only believers in God can make Faith-filled declarations. The unbeliever cannot make these sorts of confessions. He would wish at best. An unbeliever’s words have little power on the Earth because he is still subject to the corruption and darkness in the Earth. He can only wish for a good and not necessarily command it
While for believers, the situation is entirely different. A believer is not subject to the elemental forces of darkness prevalent on the Earth, and even the principalities of the Earth recognize this truth. Positive confessions stem from faith in God’s word and are sustained by this same faith. Therefore, as believers, we have the utmost privilege of speaking faith-filled words that would never fall to the ground. Because our father has set laws in place that would always respond to or deliver to us the items our faith has ordered.
How should you make positive confessions?
We make positive confessions by studying God’s word to find these spirits breathe words. God calls you blessed, and he calls you favored, forgiven, redeemed, saved, justified, sanctified, e.t.c. You have to study God’s word to see the new names he calls you. To find the new roles and titles he has given you, thorough Bible study is inevitable. Do not stick with an outdated title or declare words amiss. For example, in the old testament, we find scripture that says God was angry at Israel and allowed their enemies to plunder them; now, God is no more angry at us because Jesus died. Diligent Bible study will keep you from assuming that God is still mad at you.
Secondly, we already have a blank cheque from our father, and we have to utilize it to meet our needs. You must realize and concur that God has given all things into your care and what you have to do is have faith in what God has said. Psalm 2:8 admonishes us to ask of God and be rest assured that he will give us the nations for our inheritance and even the ends of the Earth for our possession. So on God’s part, everything is already a done deal; you only need to be a believer and ask in faith. Faith is one of the most important ingredients in making positive confessions, and this means you have to grow your faith continually by creating more positive confessions.
Why should you make positive confessions?
The advantages of making positive confessions are enormous instead of what most people think. Some benefits and reasons why you should make positive confessions include:
- It Grows Faith In God
Making positive confessions helps us build our faith in God, in Romans the Apostle Paul makes us see that faith comes by hearing the word of God, so as we study the word more to find out more about our identity in Christ, we grow our faith in God. And as we remain at this persistently, we end up growing in confidence and understanding.
- We Please God
Hebrews 11 is the book of the bible most popular for discussing faith and how many saints before we have prevailed through faith. The Bible also clearly stated that without faith, it was impossible to please God. This tells us we need to know how greatly God values our faith in him. Like a truly committed and loyal lover, he wants us to trust that he has got our backs. Like a very responsible father, he does not want us second guessing his abilities to meet our every need.
- It Generates Confidence, And The Will To Take Action In Us.
How did you think Paul, Peter, e.t.c? Were able to face many tribulations and come out victoriously? Why do you think they kept advancing with the gospel even amid perils, sword, death, imprisonment, e.t.c. They could do all these through a bold declaration of God’s word. Surely they prayed, fasted, praised God, performed many spiritual edifying activities; however, they kept declaring all that Jesus had taught them.
The more they declared these things they found in the holy scriptures, the more they took actions confidently. The more they beheld the truth of God’s word, the more they pushed hard with the gospel. Nothing was strong enough to hinder them as they found the strength to act courageously in God’s word.
- We Exert Our Authority By Making These Confessions
In Numbers 14:28, the bible says, “say to them, ‘As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you”. This reinforces the truth that our lives reflect our words, and you would have what you say. Because if you have been making that confession long enough, your subconscious mind would also begin to work toward making it a reality. Speak via faith-filled confession all the miracles you would love to have in your life. Superimpose your inheritance in Christ over what the world chooses to present to you. Do not allow for things to happen by coincidence; consciously enforce your authority on the Earth.
- We Spread This Behaviour To Others
When you find your root in God’s word and grow your faith in him, you will always be able to stay above the pressures of life. When you can always remain above the challenges that clamp down on others, you will become a point of reference and pillar of support for others. You can influence others to imitate this new pattern of living by so doing.
Nothing beats a life characterized by faith in God and his word, and the Bible refers to this man as the one that pleases God. So, grow your faith by studying the word and making confessions that would save your life and that of others.
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