The act of praying is so ingrained in the human psyche that it nearly feels automatic. When faced with a life-threatening crisis, people often turn to prayer. When a person is unable to carry the weight of life’s misfortunes, they can’t help but cry out for help.
Unless he is completely devoid of conscience, he will cry for aid in the face of tremendous guilt and the awareness that there is no way out. That there must be someone who knows our situation and can respond in a way that alleviates our pain is what we believe in.

Jesus Christ Concept on Prayer
A Bible student can’t help but note the significance of Jesus Christ’s prayer in his life, and it’s hard not to notice. The intercession of our Lord is recorded more than a dozen times throughout the gospels, with Luke having the highest number of mentions. Because of this, the third Gospel is sometimes referred to as the “Gospel of prayer.” As human beings, Jesus’ humanity is brought home to us in this excellent way.
This argument may be reinforced using a fortiori logic, which progresses from less likely to more feasible possibilities in an attempt to demonstrate the necessity of prayer in Christian living. If Jesus, the Son of God, felt the need for prayer, then we should all feel the need to pray.
In his whole life and ministry, from the moment of his baptism to the moment of his death, Christ prayed continually. His prayers were answered. Clearly, Jesus prayed for himself (Matthew 26:39), his disciples as a collective (John 17:6-19), for them individually (Luke 22:31-32), and even for his opponents (Luke 22:31-32). (John 17:20-26).
A popular view appears to be held that one can pray in any manner they wish, without being bound by any rules or regulations of any kind. Even that anonymous disciple recognized the need to be instructed in the proper methods of prayer. “You beg and do not get it because you ask incorrectly,” Jesus’ half-brother James stated emphatically (James 4:3). “Amiss” is a term that alludes to something that is morally wrong or immoral; in this case, there was an ulterior motive at play.
As a result, this does not imply that there is a fixed formula that must be followed in every situation to get a response from God. He is well-versed in our clumsiness and inability to maintain our composure. I feel that numerous criteria must be satisfied for our prayers to be as effective as possible.
Laws of Prayers
In this brief post, I’d like to direct your attention to what I’ll refer to as “Laws Regulating Prayer.” This is not a comprehensive list that does not diminish the significance of the information presented.
The Law of Connection:
Jesus taught his disciples the importance of praying to “Our Father in Heaven” as a lesson (Matthew 6:9). Prayer, as a kind of mental or verbal communication, is intended to allow individuals who have made a covenant or connection with God to interact with him as a Father, a figure of authority who loves and rewards his children as if they were his own.
In other teachings of the Lord, the process of being “born again” metaphorically is defined as the means of establishing this sort of relationship or connection (John 3:3-5).
Because Christians are “in Christ,” they have a special connection to praying (John 15:7; Ephesians 1:3). So, God’s ears are open to the righteous pleas of those with the connection.
The Law of Communication:
Several people feel that prayer is unnecessary. Because they contend, God is aware of what is going on in each of our heads, and it is a waste of time to express them verbally. The short explanation is that God demands communication from us.
In his teachings, Jesus claimed that “the Father knows what you need before you ask” (Matthew 6:8). However, he advised his followers to “Ask” for what they wanted (Matthew 7:7). According to the book of James, “You have not because you do not ask” (James 4:2). Without the willingness to make an effort to communicate with God, how can one expect to receive answers?
The Law of Confidence:
What would you say if a friend approached you and said, “I’m not sure this would be of any benefit since you’re known to be stingy— but could you assist me with a loan?” You will not grant the request because your friend doubts your ability in the first place.
That is how some people behave when they go to God in prayer, and they doubt his abilities and expect God to answer their prayers. However, the Bible says that believers should come confidently to the throne of grace and make their requests known to God.
The Law of Continuity:
Some people believe that prayer should only be used in times of dire need. In other words, God is not a watchdog that can be enticed with small treats and kept on standby until a disaster strikes.
However, the Bible encourages believers to pray without ceasing. A consistent prayer practice ensures that God is involved in every activity of your life.
So, regardless of whether you have received an answer to a prayer or not, you should keep praying to God and be thankful.
Sometimes you may find it hard to continue in prayer with your natural tongue; that is why it is encouraged to pray in the Holy Spirit at such time. This is because it will give a better expression of the needs in the heart of God.
In conclusion, prayer is a necessity for daily living as a believer. However, believers need to be properly guided in approaching God in the place of prayer.
March 30, 2022
The Law of Prayer
The act of praying is so ingrained in the human psyche that it nearly feels automatic. When faced with a life-threatening crisis, people often turn to prayer. When a person is unable to carry the weight of life’s misfortunes, they can’t help but cry out for help.
Unless he is completely devoid of conscience, he will cry for aid in the face of tremendous guilt and the awareness that there is no way out. That there must be someone who knows our situation and can respond in a way that alleviates our pain is what we believe in.

Jesus Christ Concept on Prayer
A Bible student can’t help but note the significance of Jesus Christ’s prayer in his life, and it’s hard not to notice. The intercession of our Lord is recorded more than a dozen times throughout the gospels, with Luke having the highest number of mentions. Because of this, the third Gospel is sometimes referred to as the “Gospel of prayer.” As human beings, Jesus’ humanity is brought home to us in this excellent way.
This argument may be reinforced using a fortiori logic, which progresses from less likely to more feasible possibilities in an attempt to demonstrate the necessity of prayer in Christian living. If Jesus, the Son of God, felt the need for prayer, then we should all feel the need to pray.
In his whole life and ministry, from the moment of his baptism to the moment of his death, Christ prayed continually. His prayers were answered. Clearly, Jesus prayed for himself (Matthew 26:39), his disciples as a collective (John 17:6-19), for them individually (Luke 22:31-32), and even for his opponents (Luke 22:31-32). (John 17:20-26).
A popular view appears to be held that one can pray in any manner they wish, without being bound by any rules or regulations of any kind. Even that anonymous disciple recognized the need to be instructed in the proper methods of prayer. “You beg and do not get it because you ask incorrectly,” Jesus’ half-brother James stated emphatically (James 4:3). “Amiss” is a term that alludes to something that is morally wrong or immoral; in this case, there was an ulterior motive at play.
As a result, this does not imply that there is a fixed formula that must be followed in every situation to get a response from God. He is well-versed in our clumsiness and inability to maintain our composure. I feel that numerous criteria must be satisfied for our prayers to be as effective as possible.
Laws of Prayers
In this brief post, I’d like to direct your attention to what I’ll refer to as “Laws Regulating Prayer.” This is not a comprehensive list that does not diminish the significance of the information presented.
The Law of Connection:
Jesus taught his disciples the importance of praying to “Our Father in Heaven” as a lesson (Matthew 6:9). Prayer, as a kind of mental or verbal communication, is intended to allow individuals who have made a covenant or connection with God to interact with him as a Father, a figure of authority who loves and rewards his children as if they were his own.
In other teachings of the Lord, the process of being “born again” metaphorically is defined as the means of establishing this sort of relationship or connection (John 3:3-5).
Because Christians are “in Christ,” they have a special connection to praying (John 15:7; Ephesians 1:3). So, God’s ears are open to the righteous pleas of those with the connection.
The Law of Communication:
Several people feel that prayer is unnecessary. Because they contend, God is aware of what is going on in each of our heads, and it is a waste of time to express them verbally. The short explanation is that God demands communication from us.
In his teachings, Jesus claimed that “the Father knows what you need before you ask” (Matthew 6:8). However, he advised his followers to “Ask” for what they wanted (Matthew 7:7). According to the book of James, “You have not because you do not ask” (James 4:2). Without the willingness to make an effort to communicate with God, how can one expect to receive answers?
The Law of Confidence:
What would you say if a friend approached you and said, “I’m not sure this would be of any benefit since you’re known to be stingy— but could you assist me with a loan?” You will not grant the request because your friend doubts your ability in the first place.
That is how some people behave when they go to God in prayer, and they doubt his abilities and expect God to answer their prayers. However, the Bible says that believers should come confidently to the throne of grace and make their requests known to God.
The Law of Continuity:
Some people believe that prayer should only be used in times of dire need. In other words, God is not a watchdog that can be enticed with small treats and kept on standby until a disaster strikes.
However, the Bible encourages believers to pray without ceasing. A consistent prayer practice ensures that God is involved in every activity of your life.
So, regardless of whether you have received an answer to a prayer or not, you should keep praying to God and be thankful.
Sometimes you may find it hard to continue in prayer with your natural tongue; that is why it is encouraged to pray in the Holy Spirit at such time. This is because it will give a better expression of the needs in the heart of God.
In conclusion, prayer is a necessity for daily living as a believer. However, believers need to be properly guided in approaching God in the place of prayer.
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