February 27, 2022

The Principle Of Giving

Life is all about giving and receiving. When you understand this principle, you are ready to step into your next level of overflow. Most Christians do not properly know how the law of giving works. For example, they give on Sunday and help someone on Monday, then wake up Tuesday morning complaining that the principle of giving does not work. They fail to see that giving is like a farmer planting seed. The day after a farmer plants, he does not run out to his field and say, “It didn’t work, or My wheat seed didn’t come up. In this article, you shall learn about the principle of giving and how it applies to believers.

The Principle Of Giving 2

What is Giving?

Giving is a measure of one’s love for God. It is meant to benefit both the giver and the receivers. When you give, you are extending your hand of fellowship, kindness, and love to someone else, and in return, you will be blessed. You will be blessed far more than the person you gave to because giving requires a lot. You need to be able to conquer your selfishness or greed before you can release what is in your hand. The bible says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

Givers can take various forms, such as purchasing a gift for someone, giving to charitable organizations, helping out in the neighborhood, or providing homeless shelter, among other activities. Aside from the fact that giving is a spiritual principle, it has been shown that the hormone oxytocin is released when people give. This hormone is responsible for producing the emotions of warmth, joy, and connection with those around you.

In today’s world, many people function in an industrial mentality. Everything is instant. We have instant printing, instant mashed potatoes, and instant banking. But, the principles of biblical economics are based on farming, not industrial principles. God is not the great spiritual slot machine in the sky. You do not put in a hundred dollars and instantly get back a thousand. No, you plant a hundred dollars into God’s work. You let that seed grow, mature, and develop so that “in due season,” God will return your harvest.

What are the Benefits of Giving?

Here are some of the top reasons why you should give;

Giving Shows Obedience to God:

The scripture shows that giving is an act of obedience to God. For example, God instructed the Israelites in the Old Testament to donate a tenth of their wealth to the priesthood in order to maintain the priesthood. Jesus taught His disciples under the New Covenant to give abundantly in proportion to how kind God is toward them (Luke 6:38).

So, when you give you are simply obeying God’s instruction. Just like Abraham, who did not hesitate in giving his son. The bible says that the Lord replied by saying, “for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me (Genesis 22:12). Giving is one of the ways God tests the heart of a believer if they will obey his commands or act in their own accord.

Giving Always Prospers the Giver:

By the world’s principles of economics, when you give something away, you then have less. Suppose you give away money, land, or food, which leaves you with less of what you gave away. But such is not the case according to God’s principles of increase. He teaches that it always returns to you when you give something away, multiplied. You cannot lose ground by giving to God.

According to God’s principles of increase, when you give a gift, you release His energy into your own life to duplicate the gift in multiplied quantities. Gifts become very powerful forces that reach beyond the natural realm into the spirit realm. They increase, some thirtyfold, some sixtyfold, and some a hundredfold. The world says that giving a gift depletes wealth. Logic says that he no longer has it when someone gives something away. But, God’s Word says that a gift does not deplete a person’s assets; it increases them.

Giving Shows your Priorities:

You can tell where your heart is by where you spend your money. This is because you put your time and money into the most important things to you. It shows your priority whether you are storing up treasures for yourself or in heaven. For the bible says, “You should store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; because where your treasure is there, there will be your heart as well (Matthew 6:20-21).”

That’s what we’ve been told to do. Setting our attention on “things above” is also a command from God’s Word (Colossians 3:2). Our money will be used to promote God’s kingdom if you have our priorities straight and your eyes fixed on the hereafter. That’s why it’s important to donate to God and to put your money into His kingdom. This is one of the first ways you can demonstrate your love to God by giving your time and money.

Giving Increases Faith:

How much faith you have is more important than how much money you have. Giving is fundamentally an act of faith. It’s easier to put your confidence in God’s provision for your personal needs when you give away more of your money. And as your faith grows, so does your capacity to offer. When you declare, “I believe in God,” put your money where your mouth is. When you give, it is an act that you have faith in God’s abilities.

Giving makes you feel happy:

You will begin to feel good in your inner man when you give others. Several research has shown that dopamine release was found in people who give generously. This is what 2 Corinthians 9:7 tells believers: “Each one of you should give what you have chosen in your heart to offer, not grudgingly or under force, for God loves a happy giver.” hilaro is the Greek word for jovial, from whence the English term funny is derived.

Despite what many pastors believe, the term hilaro in its original context to its original audience means “joyful, cheery, non-reluctant, already disposed of, won over.” In other words, there is delight and excitement that comes from giving.

In conclusion, for you to see the miraculous and experience breakthrough, you need to practice the principles of giving and receiving. This is because your giving can usher in a new day of plenty in a new Kingdom of God here on earth.

February 27, 2022

The Principle Of Giving

Life is all about giving and receiving. When you understand this principle, you are ready to step into your next level of overflow. Most Christians do not properly know how the law of giving works. For example, they give on Sunday and help someone on Monday, then wake up Tuesday morning complaining that the principle of giving does not work. They fail to see that giving is like a farmer planting seed. The day after a farmer plants, he does not run out to his field and say, “It didn’t work, or My wheat seed didn’t come up. In this article, you shall learn about the principle of giving and how it applies to believers.

The Principle Of Giving 2

What is Giving?

Giving is a measure of one’s love for God. It is meant to benefit both the giver and the receivers. When you give, you are extending your hand of fellowship, kindness, and love to someone else, and in return, you will be blessed. You will be blessed far more than the person you gave to because giving requires a lot. You need to be able to conquer your selfishness or greed before you can release what is in your hand. The bible says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

Givers can take various forms, such as purchasing a gift for someone, giving to charitable organizations, helping out in the neighborhood, or providing homeless shelter, among other activities. Aside from the fact that giving is a spiritual principle, it has been shown that the hormone oxytocin is released when people give. This hormone is responsible for producing the emotions of warmth, joy, and connection with those around you.

In today’s world, many people function in an industrial mentality. Everything is instant. We have instant printing, instant mashed potatoes, and instant banking. But, the principles of biblical economics are based on farming, not industrial principles. God is not the great spiritual slot machine in the sky. You do not put in a hundred dollars and instantly get back a thousand. No, you plant a hundred dollars into God’s work. You let that seed grow, mature, and develop so that “in due season,” God will return your harvest.

What are the Benefits of Giving?

Here are some of the top reasons why you should give;

Giving Shows Obedience to God:

The scripture shows that giving is an act of obedience to God. For example, God instructed the Israelites in the Old Testament to donate a tenth of their wealth to the priesthood in order to maintain the priesthood. Jesus taught His disciples under the New Covenant to give abundantly in proportion to how kind God is toward them (Luke 6:38).

So, when you give you are simply obeying God’s instruction. Just like Abraham, who did not hesitate in giving his son. The bible says that the Lord replied by saying, “for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me (Genesis 22:12). Giving is one of the ways God tests the heart of a believer if they will obey his commands or act in their own accord.

Giving Always Prospers the Giver:

By the world’s principles of economics, when you give something away, you then have less. Suppose you give away money, land, or food, which leaves you with less of what you gave away. But such is not the case according to God’s principles of increase. He teaches that it always returns to you when you give something away, multiplied. You cannot lose ground by giving to God.

According to God’s principles of increase, when you give a gift, you release His energy into your own life to duplicate the gift in multiplied quantities. Gifts become very powerful forces that reach beyond the natural realm into the spirit realm. They increase, some thirtyfold, some sixtyfold, and some a hundredfold. The world says that giving a gift depletes wealth. Logic says that he no longer has it when someone gives something away. But, God’s Word says that a gift does not deplete a person’s assets; it increases them.

Giving Shows your Priorities:

You can tell where your heart is by where you spend your money. This is because you put your time and money into the most important things to you. It shows your priority whether you are storing up treasures for yourself or in heaven. For the bible says, “You should store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; because where your treasure is there, there will be your heart as well (Matthew 6:20-21).”

That’s what we’ve been told to do. Setting our attention on “things above” is also a command from God’s Word (Colossians 3:2). Our money will be used to promote God’s kingdom if you have our priorities straight and your eyes fixed on the hereafter. That’s why it’s important to donate to God and to put your money into His kingdom. This is one of the first ways you can demonstrate your love to God by giving your time and money.

Giving Increases Faith:

How much faith you have is more important than how much money you have. Giving is fundamentally an act of faith. It’s easier to put your confidence in God’s provision for your personal needs when you give away more of your money. And as your faith grows, so does your capacity to offer. When you declare, “I believe in God,” put your money where your mouth is. When you give, it is an act that you have faith in God’s abilities.

Giving makes you feel happy:

You will begin to feel good in your inner man when you give others. Several research has shown that dopamine release was found in people who give generously. This is what 2 Corinthians 9:7 tells believers: “Each one of you should give what you have chosen in your heart to offer, not grudgingly or under force, for God loves a happy giver.” hilaro is the Greek word for jovial, from whence the English term funny is derived.

Despite what many pastors believe, the term hilaro in its original context to its original audience means “joyful, cheery, non-reluctant, already disposed of, won over.” In other words, there is delight and excitement that comes from giving.

In conclusion, for you to see the miraculous and experience breakthrough, you need to practice the principles of giving and receiving. This is because your giving can usher in a new day of plenty in a new Kingdom of God here on earth.

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